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Forked from Shrugsy/rtkQueryCacheUtils.ts
Created August 4, 2024 08:40
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RTK Query cache utils. Useful abstractions for creating `provides`/`invalidates` cache data tags against endpoints.
import { FetchBaseQueryError } from '@rtk-incubator/rtk-query/dist';
* Default tags used by the cacher helpers
const defaultTags = ["UNAUTHORIZED", "UNKNOWN_ERROR"] as const;
type DefaultTags = typeof defaultTags[number];
function concatErrorCache<T, ID>(
existingCache: CacheList<T, ID>,
error: FetchBaseQueryError | undefined
): CacheList<T, ID> {
if (error && "status" in error && error.status === 401) {
// unauthorized error
return [...existingCache, "UNAUTHORIZED"];
// unknown error
return [...existingCache, "UNKNOWN_ERROR"];
* An individual cache item
export type CacheItem<T, ID> = { type: T; id: ID };
* A list of cache items, including a LIST entity cache
export type CacheList<T, ID> = (
| CacheItem<T, "LIST">
| CacheItem<T, ID>
| DefaultTags
* Inner function returned by `providesList` to be passed to the `provides` property of a query
type InnerProvidesList<T> = <
Results extends { id: unknown }[],
Error extends FetchBaseQueryError
results: Results | undefined,
error: Error | undefined
) => CacheList<T, Results[number]["id"]>;
* HOF to create an entity cache to provide a LIST,
* depending on the results being in a common format.
* Will not provide individual items without a result.
* @example
* ```ts
* const results = [
* { id: 1, message: 'foo' },
* { id: 2, message: 'bar' }
* ]
* providesList('Todo')(results)
* // [
* // { type: 'Todo', id: 'List'},
* // { type: 'Todo', id: 1 },
* // { type: 'Todo', id: 2 },
* // ]
* ```
export const providesList = <T extends string>(
type: T
): InnerProvidesList<T> => (results, error) => {
// is result available?
if (results) {
// successful query
return [
{ type, id: "LIST" },{ id }) => ({ type, id } as const))
// Received an error, include an error cache item to the cache list
return concatErrorCache([{ type, id: "LIST" }], error);
* HOF to create an entity cache to invalidate a LIST.
* Invalidates regardless of result.
* @example
* ```ts
* invalidatesList('Todo')()
* // [{ type: 'Todo', id: 'List' }]
* ```
export const invalidatesList = <T extends string>(type: T) => (): readonly [
CacheItem<T, "LIST">
] => [{ type, id: "LIST" }] as const;
type InnerProvidesNestedList<T> = <
Results extends { data: { id: unknown }[] },
Error extends FetchBaseQueryError
results: Results | undefined,
error: Error | undefined
) => CacheList<T, Results["data"][number]["id"]>;
* Similar to `providesList`, but for data located at a nested property,
* e.g. `` in a paginated response.
* The property is hard coded, so re-create a version of this function based
* on a data shape your API returns for best results.
export const providesNestedList = <T extends string>(
type: T
): InnerProvidesNestedList<T> => (results, error) => {
// is result available?
if (results) {
// successful query
return [
{ type, id: "LIST" },{ id }) => ({ type, id } as const))
// Received an error, include an error cache item to the cache list
return concatErrorCache([{ type, id: "LIST" }], error);
* HOF to create an entity cache for a single item using the query argument as the ID.
* @example
* ```ts
* cacheByIdArg('Todo')({ id: 5, message: 'walk the fish' }, undefined, 5)
* // returns:
* // [{ type: 'Todo', id: 5 }]
* ```
export const cacheByIdArg = <T extends string>(type: T) => <
Result = undefined,
Error = undefined
result: Result,
error: Error,
id: ID
): readonly [CacheItem<T, ID>] => [{ type, id }] as const;
* HOF to create an entity cache for a single item using the id property from the query argument as the ID.
* @example
* ```ts
* cacheByIdArgProperty('Todo')(undefined, { id: 5, message: 'sweep up' })
* // returns:
* // [{ type: 'Todo', id: 5 }]
* ```
export const cacheByIdArgProperty = <T extends string>(type: T) => <
Arg extends { id: unknown },
Result = undefined,
Error = undefined
result: Result,
error: Error,
arg: Arg
): readonly [CacheItem<T, Arg["id"]>] | [] => [{ type, id: }] as const;
* HOF to invalidate the 'UNAUTHORIZED' type cache item.
export const invalidatesUnauthorized = () => <
Arg = undefined,
Result = undefined,
Error = undefined
result: Result,
error: Error,
arg: Arg
* HOF to invalidate the 'UNKNOWN_ERROR' type cache item.
export const invalidatesUnknownErrors = () => <
Arg = undefined,
Result = undefined,
Error = undefined
result: Result,
error: Error,
arg: Arg
* Utility helpers for common provides/invalidates scenarios
export const cacher = {
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