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Last active August 18, 2017 03:31
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use swiftlint to lint only modified or stagged files
#! /bin/bash
# Usage:
# Place this file somewhere in your PATH (and make sure it is executable) then call it like `git lint`
# Check swiftlint
command -v swiftlint >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "git-lint requires swiftlint but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; }
# Create a temp file
# Gather all modified and stagged files
git ls-files -m | grep ".swift" > ${temp_file}
git diff --name-only --cached | grep ".swift" >> ${temp_file}
# Make list of unique and sorterd files
for f in `sort ${temp_file} | uniq`
export SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_${counter}=${f}
counter=`expr $counter + 1`
# Lint
if (( counter > 0 )); then
export SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT=${counter}
swiftlint autocorrect --use-script-input-files
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