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Last active May 29, 2024 20:23
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PTL 11793 moodle_qtype_stack_test.js
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function iand(x,y) {return (x&&y)};
function igrt(x,y) {return (x>y)};
function igrtq(x,y) {return (x>=y)};
function ispositive(x) {return (x>0)};
function ibetween(a,x,y) {return ((a>x)&&(a<y))};
function dist(a,b){return Math.sqrt((a[0]-b[0])*(a[0]-b[0])+(a[1]-b[1])*(a[1]-b[1]))};
<!--JSXGraph MathJax Specifications -->
window.MathJax = {
tex: {
inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\(","\\)"] ],
displayMath: [ ['<math xmlns=""><semantics><mo>'</mo><mo>,</mo><mo>'</mo><annotation encoding="LaTeX">','</annotation></semantics></math>'], ["\\[","\\]"] ],
packages: ['base', 'ams'] },
options: {
ignoreHtmlClass: 'tex2jax_ignore',
processHtmlClass: 'tex2jax_process'
<script type="text/javascript">
var checkAnswer=[];
[[jsxgraph width="800px" height="400px" input-ref-states='statesRef' input-ref-positions='positionsRef' input-ref-oxidation_maps='oxmapsRef' input-ref-reduction_maps='redmapsRef']]
MathJax.Hub.Config({showMathMenu: false});
MathJax.Hub.Config({"HTML-CSS": {scale: (MathJax.Hub.Browser.isSafari ? {#safari#}: 100)
JXG.Options.text.cssDefaultStyle = 'direction:ltr; font-family:Arial;';
JXG.Options.text.highlightCssDefaultStyle = 'direction:ltr';
let rqm={#rqm#};
var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(divid, {
boundingbox: [-5, 5, 15, -5],
axis: false,
showCopyright: false,
showNavigation: false,
keepaspectratio: true,
resize: {enabled:false},
keyboard: {enabled: false}
var uid=board.generateId();
console.log('unique id is ',uid);
var text_top = 2,
radius = {#radius#},
fontsize ={#fontsize#},
var radd = {#spaces#};
var maxatoms = {#maxat#};
var eqn = {#eq#};
var answered = false;
var text_col = '#000000',
circle_col = '#0072B2',
ox_col = '#D55E00', //vermillion
red_col = "#0072B2"; //blue
var design = {#design#};
var oxid = [];
if (design!=1){
var positions = {#positions_v#};
var oxid_ans = {#oxid#};
else {
var positions = [];
var oxid_ans = [];
var positionsInput = document.getElementById(positionsRef);
var stateInput = document.getElementById(statesRef);
var oxInput= document.getElementById(oxmapsRef);
var redInput= document.getElementById(redmapsRef);
if (design!=1) {positionsInput.value=JSON.stringify(positions)};
// equation
var eq=board.create('text', [-4, text_top, function(){return eqn}], {
useMathJax: true,
fontSize: fontsize,
fixed: true,
anchorY: 'bottom'
//line that circles glide on
var lineU = board.create('segment', [
[-4.5, text_top - radd],
[15, text_top - radd]
], {
strokeWidth: 0,
highlightStrokeWidth: 0,
fixed: true
//line that the arrows glide on
var lineD = board.create('segment', [
[-4.8, text_top - radius-radd],
[15, text_top - radius-radd]
// [15, text_top - 2 * radd - radius]
], {
strokeWidth: 0,
highlightStrokeWidth: 0,
fixed: true
var p = [], c = [], i=0;
//circle center and labels
for (i = 0; isless(i, maxatoms); i++) {
var ppoint = [-4 + 2 * radius * i, text_top - radd];
if (design != 1) {
ppoint = [positions[i], text_top - radd];
p[i] = board.create('glider', [ppoint[0], ppoint[1], lineU], {
size: 0,
name: "",
label: {
offset: [-6.5, 0],
cssStyle: "font-weight: bold"
showInfobox: false
c[i] = board.create('circle', [p[i], radius], {
strokeWidth: 1,
strokeColor: circle_col
} // end for loop
var pAtt = {
name: '',
attractors: [lineD],
attractorDistance: 0.5,
snatchDistance: 200,
showInfobox: false,
fixed:function(){return answered}
var p1Att = {
name: '',
fillcolor: red_col,
strokeColor: red_col,
size: 1.5,
attractors: [lineD],
attractorDistance: 0.5,
snatchDistance: 200,
showInfobox: false,
fixed:function(){return answered}
var p3Att = {
name: '',
fillcolor: ox_col,
strokeColor: ox_col,
size: 1.5,
attractors: [lineD],
attractorDistance: 0.5,
snatchDistance: 200,
showInfobox: false,
fixed:function(){return answered}
var psAtt = {
name: '',
size: 0,
// attractors: c,
attractorDistance: radius,
showInfobox: false,
fixed:function(){return answered}
//points for the reduction lines
var ap1 = board.create('point', [-4.8, text_top - radd - radius], p1Att);
var ap2 = board.create('point', [function() {
return ap1.X()
}, function() {
return ap1.Y() - 1
}], pAtt);
var ap3 = board.create('point', [14.8, text_top - radd - radius], p1Att);
var ap4 = board.create('point', [function() {
return ap3.X()
}, function() {
return ap3.Y() - 1
}], pAtt);
var as1=board.create('point',[function() {return ap1.X()},function() {return ap1.Y()+radius}],psAtt);
var as2=board.create('point',[function() {return ap3.X()},function() {return ap3.Y()+radius}],psAtt);
var L1 = board.create('line', [ap1, ap2], {
strokecolor: red_col,
straightFirst: false,
straightLast: false
var L2 = board.create('line', [ap2, ap4], {
strokecolor: red_col,
straightFirst: false,
straightLast: false
var L3 = board.create('line', [ap3, ap4], {
strokecolor: red_col,
firstArrow: {
type: 7,
size: 5
straightFirst: false,
straightLast: false
if (design != 1) {
var ta_red = {#red_map#};
var ta_ox = {#ox_map#};
var ta_red = [1,1];
var ta_ox = [1,1];
var inter1 = board.create('intersection', [c[ta_red[0] - 1], L1, 0], {
name: '',
size: 0,
showInfobox: false
var inter2 = board.create('intersection', [c[ta_red[1] - 1], L3, 0], {
name: '',
size: 0,
showInfobox: false
//board.create('text',[0,-4.5,function(){return inter1.Y().toFixed(2)+' '+inter2.Y().toFixed(2)}]);
//line for the text to glide on
var LH2 = board.create('line', [
[function() {
return ap2.X()
}, function() {
return ap2.Y() + 0.3
[function() {
return ap4.X()
}, function() {
return ap4.Y() + 0.3
], {
visible: false,
straightFirst: false,
straightLast: false
//label for the line
var red_txt = {#red_txt#};
var reductext = board.create('text', [0, 0, function() {
return red_txt
}], {
useMathJax: true,
fontSize: fontsize,
attractors: [LH2],
attractorDistance: 15,
snatchDistance: 200,
showInfobox: false
//points for the oxidation lines
var ap11 = board.create('point', [-4.6, text_top - radd - radius], p3Att);
var ap22 = board.create('point', [function() {
return ap11.X()
}, function() {
return ap11.Y() - 2
}], pAtt);
var ap33 = board.create('point', [14.6, text_top - radd - radius], p3Att);
var ap44 = board.create('point', [function() {
return ap33.X()
}, function() {
return ap33.Y() - 2
}], pAtt);
var as11=board.create('point',[function() {return ap11.X()},function() {return ap11.Y()+radius}],psAtt);
var as22=board.create('point',[function() {return ap33.X()},function() {return ap33.Y()+radius}],psAtt);
var L11 = board.create('line', [ap11, ap22], {
straightFirst: false,
straightLast: false,
strokecolor: ox_col
var L22 = board.create('line', [ap22, ap44], {
straightFirst: false,
straightLast: false,
strokecolor: ox_col
var L33 = board.create('line', [ap33, ap44], {
firstArrow: {
type: 7,
size: 5
straightFirst: false,
straightLast: false,
strokecolor: ox_col
var inter11 = board.create('intersection', [c[ta_ox[0] - 1], L11, 0], {
name: '',
size: 0,
showInfobox: false
var inter22 = board.create('intersection', [c[ta_ox[1] - 1], L33, 0], {
name: '',
size: 0,
showInfobox: false
//board.create('text',[0,-3.5,function(){return inter11.X().toFixed(2)+' '+inter22.X().toFixed(2)}]);
//line for the text to glide on
var LH22 = board.create('line', [
[function() {
return ap22.X()
}, function() {
return ap22.Y() + 0.3
[function() {
return ap44.X()
}, function() {
return ap44.Y() + 0.3
], {
visible: false,
straightFirst: false,
straightLast: false
//label for the line
var ox_txt = {#ox_txt#};
var oxidtext = board.create('text', [0, 0, function() {
return ox_txt
}], {
useMathJax: true,
fontSize: fontsize,
attractors: [LH22],
attractorDistance: 15,
snatchDistance: 200,
showInfobox: false
//hide or show the fields for design
if (design == 1) {
document.getElementById({#rqm#}).style.display = "block"
var fill_ans = function() {
for (i = 0; isless(i, maxatoms); i++) {
name: oxid[i],
cssStyle: "font-weight: bold"
if (stateInput.value != '') {
oxid = JSON.parse(stateInput.value);
} else
{ for (i = 0; isless(i, maxatoms); i++) {oxid[i]="0"}
if (redInput.value != '') {
let tmp = JSON.parse(redInput.value);
if (tmp[0] != 0) {
ap1.setPositionDirectly(JXG.COORDS_BY_USER, [p[tmp[0] - 1].X(), p[tmp[0] - 1].Y()]);
if (tmp[1] != 0) {
ap3.setPositionDirectly(JXG.COORDS_BY_USER, [p[tmp[1] - 1].X(), p[tmp[1] - 1].Y()]);
} else {
redInput.value = JSON.stringify([0, 0]);
if (oxInput.value != '') {
let tmp = JSON.parse(oxInput.value);
if (tmp[0] != 0) {
ap11.setPositionDirectly(JXG.COORDS_BY_USER, [p[tmp[0] - 1].X(), p[tmp[0] - 1].Y()]);
if (tmp[1] != 0) {
ap33.setPositionDirectly(JXG.COORDS_BY_USER, [p[tmp[1] - 1].X(), p[tmp[1] - 1].Y()]);
} else {
oxInput.value = JSON.stringify([0, 0]);
//need to load oxid correct values if they exist on the input
// if the oxidation or reduction gliders moves write the values to the input fields
//this is for the black point in the reduction glider
ap1.on('drag', function(e, i) {
var j;
let st=false;
for (j = 0; isless(j, maxatoms); j++) {
let aa=[as1.X(),as1.Y()],bb=[p[j].X(),p[j].Y()];
if (igrtq(radius, dist(aa,bb)) ) {
if (redInput.value != '') {
let temp = JSON.parse(redInput.value);
temp[0] = j + 1;
redInput.value = JSON.stringify(temp);
} else {
redInput.value = JSON.stringify([j + 1])
if (!st){
if (redInput.value != '') {
let temp = JSON.parse(redInput.value);
redInput.value = JSON.stringify(temp);
} else {
redInput.value = JSON.stringify([])
//this is for the arrow in the reduction glider;
ap3.on('drag', function(e, i) {
var j;
let st=false;
for (j = 0; isless(j, maxatoms); j++) {
let aa=[as2.X(),as2.Y()],bb=[p[j].X(),p[j].Y()];
if (igrtq(radius, dist(aa,bb)) ) {
if (redInput.value != '') {
let temp = JSON.parse(redInput.value);
temp[1] = j + 1;
redInput.value = JSON.stringify(temp);
} else {
redInput.value = JSON.stringify([0,j + 1])
if (!st){
if (redInput.value != '') {
let temp = JSON.parse(redInput.value);
redInput.value = JSON.stringify(temp);
} else {
redInput.value = JSON.stringify([])
//this is for the black point in the oxidation glider;
ap11.on('drag', function(e, i) {
var j;
let st=false;
for (j = 0; isless(j, maxatoms); j++) {
let aa=[as11.X(),as11.Y()],bb=[p[j].X(),p[j].Y()];
if (igrtq(radius, dist(aa,bb)) ) {
if (oxInput.value != '') {
let temp = JSON.parse(oxInput.value);
temp[0] = j + 1;
oxInput.value = JSON.stringify(temp);
} else {
oxInput.value = JSON.stringify([j + 1])
if (!st){
if (oxInput.value != '') {
let temp = JSON.parse(oxInput.value);
oxInput.value = JSON.stringify(temp);
} else {
oxInput.value = JSON.stringify([])
//this is for the arrow in the oxidation glider;
ap33.on('drag', function(e, i) {
var j;
let st=false;
for (j = 0; isless(j, maxatoms); j++) {
let aa=[as22.X(),as22.Y()],bb=[p[j].X(),p[j].Y()];
if (igrtq(radius, dist(aa,bb)) ) {
if (oxInput.value != '') {
let temp = JSON.parse(oxInput.value);
temp[1] = j + 1;
oxInput.value = JSON.stringify(temp);
} else {
oxInput.value = JSON.stringify([0,j + 1])
if (!st){
if (oxInput.value != '') {
let temp = JSON.parse(oxInput.value);
oxInput.value = JSON.stringify(temp);
} else {
oxInput.value = JSON.stringify([])
function createSelectDropdown() {
let selectTag = {#ox_no_txt#}+': '+ '<select id='+"inp"+uid+' style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px;>';
for (let i = minOx-1; i < (maxOx+1); i++) {
const sign = Math.sign(i) === 1 ? '+' : '';
if (i!=0)
{selectTag += '<option value="' + sign + i + '">' + sign + i + '</option>';}
else {selectTag += '<option value=0 selected >0</option>';}
selectTag += '</select>';
return selectTag;
const selectTag = createSelectDropdown();
const select = board.create('text', [-3, 4, selectTag], { fixed: true, fontsize:fontsize });
select.setAttribute({ visible: true });
const dropdown = document.getElementById("inp"+uid);
//mouse button event
p.forEach(function(el, i, p) {
el.on('up', function(e) {
if (e.button == 0) {
if (!answered) {
const selectedValue = dropdown.value;
if (stateInput.value == '') {
stateInput.value = JSON.stringify(oxid)
name: oxid[i],
cssStyle: "font-weight: bold"
let temp = JSON.parse(stateInput.value);
temp[i] = oxid[i];
stateInput.value = JSON.stringify(temp);
} /*!answered*/
el.on('drag', function(e) {
positions[i] = p[i].X().toFixed(3);
positionsInput.value = JSON.stringify(positions);
checkAnswer[rqm] =function() {
if (iand((inter1.Y()!=0),(inter2.Y()!=0)))
{ red_txt='</span><span style="font-size: 1em; color: green;">'+ {#red_txt#}+'<i class="fa fa-check"></i></span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">';
{ red_txt='</span><span style="font-size: 1em; color: red;">'+ {#red_txt#}+'<i class="fa fa-times"></i></span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">';
if (iand((inter11.Y()!=0),(inter22.Y()!=0)))
{ ox_txt='</span><span style="font-size: 1em; color: green;">'+ {#ox_txt#}+'<i class="fa fa-check"></i></span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">';
{ ox_txt='</span><span style="font-size: 1em; color: red;">'+ {#ox_txt#}+'<i class="fa fa-times"></i></span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">';
for (i = 0; isless(i,maxatoms); i++){
if (parseFloat(p[i].name)==parseFloat(oxid_ans[i])) {
p[i].name='</span><span style="font-size: 1em; color: green;">'+p[i].name+'<i class="fa fa-check"></i></span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">'; board.update();}
{ p[i].name='</span><span style="font-size: 1em; color: red;">'+p[i].name+'<i class="fa fa-times"></i></span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">'; board.update();
//making sure not to change the order of the circles and other stuff
board.on('update', function() {
var o, nameArr;
if (iand((typeof board.touches != 'undefined'), isless(0, board.touches.length))) {
o = board.touches[0].obj;
} else if (iand((board.mouse != null), (typeof board.mouse.obj != 'undefined'))) {
o = board.mouse.obj;
} else {
for (i = 0; isless(i, maxatoms); i++) {
if (o == p[0]) {
if (isless(p[1].position - p[0].position, 0.025)) {
p[0].position = p[1].position - 0.05;
positions[0] = p[0].X().toFixed(3);
positionsInput.value = JSON.stringify(positions);
} else if (o == p[maxatoms - 1]) {
if (isless(p[maxatoms - 1].position - p[maxatoms - 2].position, 0.025)) {
p[maxatoms - 1].position = p[maxatoms - 1 - 1].position + 0.05;
p[maxatoms - 1].prepareUpdate().update(true).updateRenderer();
positions[maxatoms - 1] = p[maxatoms - 1].X().toFixed(3);
positionsInput.value = JSON.stringify(positions);
} else if (o == p[i]) {
if (isless(p[i].position - p[i - 1].position, 0.025)) {
p[i].position = p[i - 1].position + 0.05;
positions[i] = p[i].X().toFixed(3);
positionsInput.value = JSON.stringify(positions);
if (isless(p[i + 1].position - p[i].position, 0.025)) {
p[i].position = p[i + 1].position - 0.05;
positions[i] = p[i].X().toFixed(3);
positionsInput.value = JSON.stringify(positions);
} //for
if (design != 1) {
for (i = 0; isless(i, maxatoms); i++) { p[i].setAttribute({fixed: true}); }
if (design==1){
let temp=[]; for (i = 0; isless(i, maxatoms); i++) {temp[i]="0";oxid[i]="0"};
var e = new Event('change');
<!-- end of graph code -->
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