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Created January 4, 2016 12:15
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Shortest word distance by changing letters using graph
#include <stdio.h>
#define N 2420 // Number of words
#define WORD_LEN 5 // Character count of a word
#define SRC_WORD "prove" // Word to start searching
#define DEST_WORD "guess" // Word to find
#define STEP_LIMIT 11 // *Needed if FIND_SHORTEST is 0, lower length limit takes lesser time
#define PRINT_PATHS 1 // 0 for better performance
// Globals
char maxDepth = 0;
char words[N][WORD_LEN + 1];
char graph[N][N];
// Checks if there is only one character difference between two strings
int compareStrings(char* x, char* y) {
int i, counter = 0;
for(i = 0; i < WORD_LEN; ++i)
if(x[i] != y[i] && ++counter == 2) return 0;
return counter == 1;
// Checks if graph is created right
void validateGraphCreation() {
printf("Graph Creation Test:\n");
printf("qwert : qwect -> %d\n", compareStrings("qwert", "qwect"));
printf("qwert : fwect -> %d\n", compareStrings("qwert", "fwect"));
printf("qwert : asdfg -> %d\n", compareStrings("qwert", "asdfg"));
printf("qwert : qwert -> %d\n\n", compareStrings("qwert", "qwert"));
// Returns index of the given word in the words array
int indexOf(char* word) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < N; ++i) if(strcmp(word, words[i]) == 0) return i;
return -1;
// Prints the path, DUHH...
void printPath(int* path, int pathLen, int dest) {
printf("Steps: %d, ", pathLen);
int i;
for(i = 0; i < pathLen; ++i) printf("%s -> ", words[path[i]]);
printf("%s\n", words[dest]);
// Expands to friend nodes, keeps searching paths recursively
void findPath(int src, int dest, int* path, int pathLen, int* visited, int* pathCount) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if(graph[src][i] && !visited[i]) {
if(i == dest) { // Did we arrive to destination?
if(PRINT_PATHS) printPath(path, pathLen, dest);
} else if(pathLen < maxDepth) { // Create a new path by copying the old one and adding the new node
int* newPath = (int*)malloc((pathLen + 1) * sizeof(int));
memcpy(newPath, path, pathLen * sizeof(int));
newPath[pathLen] = i;
int* visitedCpy = (int*)malloc(N * sizeof(int));
memcpy(visitedCpy, visited, N * sizeof(int));
visitedCpy[i] = 1;
// Continue with the new path
findPath(i, dest, newPath, pathLen + 1, visitedCpy, pathCount);
int main() {
// Get the words
FILE* fp = fopen("kelime.txt", "r");
if(fp == NULL) {
printf("Could not open the file kelime.txt to read!");
// Save the words to an array
char* lineBuffer = (char*)calloc(WORD_LEN + 2, 1);
int i = 0, j;
while(fgets(lineBuffer, WORD_LEN + 2, fp)) {
lineBuffer[WORD_LEN] = '\0';
strcpy(words[i++], lineBuffer);
// Create the graph
for(i = 0; i < N; ++i)
for(j = 0; j < N; ++j)
graph[i][j] = compareStrings(words[i], words[j]);
if(VALIDATE_GRAPH_CREATION) validateGraphCreation();
char* ws = SRC_WORD, *wd = DEST_WORD; // Source and Destination Words
int pathCount = 0; // Possible paths from source to destination
// Create a path array, we have only source so length is 1
int* path = (int*)calloc(1, sizeof(int));
path[0] = indexOf(ws); // Put the source word to the path as root
if(path[0] == -1) {
printf("The word %s does not exists in the input file.", ws);
return -1;
int destination = indexOf(wd); // Set the destination word
if(destination == -1) {
printf("The word %s does not exists in the input file.", wd);
return -1;
// We need to keep track of which words are visited already,
// so we make an array and initialize it with zeros
int* visited = (int*)calloc(N, sizeof(int));
visited[path[0]] = 1; // Set the source word as visited
// Start the search
printf("From: %s, To: %s\n\n", ws, wd);
printf("We will search for the shortest path possible.\n\n");
// If we find any path with the current max depth, that is the shortest
while(pathCount == 0) {
++maxDepth; // Try to find a path with current max depth
printf("Searching paths %d nodes long...\n", maxDepth + 1);
findPath(path[0], destination, path, 1, visited, &pathCount);
} else { // Limit the max depth to some number and find all possible paths
maxDepth = STEP_LIMIT; // Limit is necessary so process won't take forever
printf("Finding all possible paths with maximum of %d steps.\n", maxDepth);
findPath(path[0], destination, path, 1, visited, &pathCount);
printf("\nPath count : %d\n", pathCount);
return 0;
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