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Created September 24, 2011 21:31
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open System.Collections.Generic
let width = 7
let height = 6
let maxDepth = 7
let orangeWins = 1000000
let yellowWins = -orangeWins
let debug = ref true
type Cell =
| Orange
| Yellow
| Barren
let rec any l =
match l with
| [] -> false
| true::xs -> true
| false::xs -> any xs
let inside y x =
y>=0 && y<height && x>=0 && x<width
let otherColor color =
match color with
| Orange -> Yellow
| Yellow -> Orange
| _ -> Barren
(* diagonal, down-right *)
let negativeSlope = [| (0,0); (1,1); (2,2); (3,3) |]
(* diagonal, up-right *)
let positiveSlope = [| (0,0); (-1,1); (-2,2); (-3,3) |]
let scoreBoard (board:Cell array array) =
let rateCell = function
| Orange -> 1
| Yellow -> -1
| Barren -> 0
let counts = [| 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 |]
let scores = Array.zeroCreate height
for y=0 to height-1 do
scores.[y] <- Array.zeroCreate width
for x=0 to width-1 do
scores.[y].[x] <- rateCell board.[y].[x]
let myincr (arr:int array) idx =
arr.[idx] <- arr.[idx] + 1
(* Horizontal spans *)
for y=0 to height-1 do
let score = ref (scores.[y].[0] + scores.[y].[1] + scores.[y].[2]) in
for x=3 to width-1 do
score := !score + scores.[y].[x];
myincr counts (!score+4) ;
score := !score - scores.[y].[x-3]
(* Vertical spans *)
for x=0 to width-1 do
let score = ref (scores.[0].[x] + scores.[1].[x] + scores.[2].[x]) in
for y=3 to height-1 do
score := !score + scores.[y].[x];
myincr counts (!score+4);
score := !score - scores.[y-3].[x];
(* Down-right (and up-left) diagonals *)
for y=0 to height-4 do
for x=0 to width-4 do
let score = ref 0 in
for idx=0 to 3 do
match negativeSlope.[idx] with
| (yofs,xofs) ->
let yy = y+yofs in
let xx = x+xofs in
score := !score + scores.[yy].[xx]
myincr counts (!score+4)
(* up-right (and down-left) diagonals *)
for y=3 to height-1 do
for x=0 to width-4 do
let score = ref 0 in
for idx=0 to 3 do
match positiveSlope.[idx] with
| (yofs,xofs) ->
let yy = y+yofs in
let xx = x+xofs in
score := !score + scores.[yy].[xx]
myincr counts (!score+4)
if counts.[0] <> 0 then
else if counts.[8] <> 0 then
counts.[5] + 2*counts.[6] + 5*counts.[7] + 10*counts.[8] -
counts.[3] - 2*counts.[2] - 5*counts.[1] - 10*counts.[0]
let dropDisk (board:Cell array array) column color =
let mutable finished = false
let mutable result = -1
for y=height-1 downto 0 do
if not finished && board.[y].[column] = Barren then
board.[y].[column] <- color
finished <- true
result <- y
exception FoundKillerMove of int*int
let rec abMinimax maximizeOrMinimize color depth board =
match depth with
| 0 -> (None,scoreBoard board)
| _ ->
let startingScore = match maximizeOrMinimize with true -> -10000000 | false -> 10000000
let bestScore = ref startingScore
let bestMove = ref (-1) in
let killerTarget = match maximizeOrMinimize with true -> orangeWins | false -> yellowWins
for column=0 to width-1 do
if board.[0].[column] = Barren then
let rowFilled = dropDisk board column color
let s = scoreBoard board
if s = killerTarget then
board.[rowFilled].[column] <- Barren
raise (FoundKillerMove (column,s))
match abMinimax (not maximizeOrMinimize) (otherColor color) (depth-1) board with
| (moveInner,scoreInner) ->
board.[rowFilled].[column] <- Barren
if depth = maxDepth && !debug then
Printf.printf "Depth %d, placing on %d, Score:%d\n" depth column scoreInner ;
if maximizeOrMinimize then
if scoreInner>= !bestScore then
bestScore := scoreInner
bestMove := column
if scoreInner<= !bestScore then
bestScore := scoreInner
bestMove := column
done ;
FoundKillerMove (move,score) -> (Some(move),score)
let inArgs str args =
any(List.ofSeq( (fun x -> (x = str)) args))
let loadBoard args =
let board = Array.zeroCreate height
for y=0 to height-1 do
board.[y] <- Array.zeroCreate width
for x=0 to width-1 do
let orange = Printf.sprintf "o%d%d" y x
let yellow = Printf.sprintf "y%d%d" y x
if inArgs orange args then
board.[y].[x] <- Orange
else if inArgs yellow args then
board.[y].[x] <- Yellow
board.[y].[x] <- Barren
done ;
let main (args:string[]) =
let board = loadBoard args
let scoreOrig = scoreBoard board
let debug = inArgs "-debug" args
if scoreOrig = orangeWins then
printf "I win"
elif scoreOrig = yellowWins then
printf "You win"
let mv,score = abMinimax true Orange maxDepth board
let msgWithColumnToPlaceOrange =
match mv with
| Some column -> printfn "%A" column
| _ -> printfn "No move possible"
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