/* |
wm4k: butt-simple window management for 4k monitors |
(as of v2.2 this works for monitors of any size) |
by Roel Hammerschlag |
[email protected] |
modifications and adjustments by Jeremiah Johnson |
naikrovek {at} gmail.com |
http://github.com/naikrovek/ |
Version 1.0: September 2014 |
Version 2.0: April 2016 |
- streamline math & code |
- add NumPadMul 1/12 window |
- remove NumPad0 "tiny" window |
- compensate for transparent window borders in Windows 10 |
Version 2.1: July 2016 |
- add NumPadAdd & NumPadSub nudging |
Version 2.2: June 2019 |
- replace hard-coded 4k dimensions with A_ScreenWidth and A_ScreenHeight |
- allow #Fnn keys in case the computer doesn't have a numpad |
- fix bug where nudge function resized the nudged window |
Version 2.3: November 2019 |
- add landscape 1/3 window |
- add 2/3 window |
- robust handling of screen edges in nudge function |
Version 2.4: November 2019 |
Version 2.5: June 2020 |
- ignore +, -, and * on the numpad if numlock is on. |
Before using, set values for marginLeft etc. below to reflect |
your own Windows Taskbar size & location. |
Hotkeys are designed for NumLock OFF. |
*/ |
SetBatchLines, -1 |
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 |
SetTitleMatchMode, fast |
SetWinDelay, 10 |
#NoEnv |
#SingleInstance force |
#WinActivateForce |
marginLeft := 0 |
marginRight := 0 |
marginTop := 0 |
marginBottom := 40 |
xStep := (A_ScreenWidth - marginLeft - marginRight) // 12 |
yStep := (A_ScreenHeight - marginTop - marginBottom) // 2 |
yTopRow := marginTop |
yBottomRow := marginTop + yStep |
topRowTest := marginTop + yStep/2 |
NumpadEnd:: ; "1" on num pad invokes full-screen window |
#F1:: |
WinMaximize, A |
return |
NumpadDown:: ; "2" on num pad handles 1/2-screen windows |
#F2:: ; (portrait) |
width := xStep*6 |
height := yStep*2 |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
x := marginLeft + width * mod(((xInner - marginLeft) // width + 1), 2) |
y := yTopRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, width + wDiff, height + hDiff |
return |
^NumpadDown:: ; CTRL+"2" on num pad handles 1/2-screen windows |
^#F2:: ; (landscape) |
width := xStep*12 |
height := yStep |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
x := 0 |
Gosub, chooseRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, width + wDiff, height + hDiff |
return |
NumpadPgDn:: ; "3" on num pad handles 1/3-screen windows |
#F3:: ; (portait format) |
width := xStep * 4 |
height := yStep * 2 |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
x := marginLeft + width * mod(((xInner - marginLeft) // width + 1), 3) |
y := yTopRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, width + wDiff, height + hDiff |
return |
^NumpadPgDn:: ; CTRL+"3" on num pad handles 1/3-screen windows |
^#F3:: ; (landscape format) |
width := xStep * 8 |
height := yStep |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
if (x = marginLeft) |
x := marginLeft + xStep * 4 |
else |
x := marginLeft |
Gosub, chooseRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, width + wDiff, height + hDiff |
return |
^+NumpadPgDn:: ; CTRL+SHIFT+"3" on num pad handles 2/3-screen windows |
^+#F3:: ; (for laptops/small screens) |
width := xStep * 8 |
height := yStep * 2 |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
if (x = marginLeft) |
x := marginLeft + xStep * 4 |
else |
x := marginLeft |
y := yTopRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, width + wDiff, height + hDiff |
return |
^NumpadLeft:: ; CTRL+"4" on num pad handles 1/4-screen windows |
^#F4:: ; (portrait format) |
width := xStep * 3 |
height := yStep * 2 |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
x := marginLeft + width * mod(((xInner - marginLeft) // width + 1), 4) |
y := yTopRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, width + wDiff, height + hDiff |
return |
NumpadLeft:: ; "4" on num pad handles 1/4-screen windows |
#F4:: ; (landscape format) |
width := xStep * 6 |
height := yStep |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
x := marginLeft + width * mod(((xInner - marginLeft) // width + 1), 2) |
Gosub, chooseRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, width + wDiff, height + hDiff |
return |
^NumpadRight:: ; CTRL+"6" on num pad handles 1/6-screen windows |
^#F6:: ; (portrait format) |
width := xStep*2 |
height := yStep*2 |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
x := marginLeft + width * mod(((xInner - marginLeft) // width + 1), 6) |
y := yTopRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, width + wDiff, height + hDiff |
return |
NumpadRight:: ; "6" on num pad handles 1/6-screen windoows |
#F6:: ; (landscape format) |
width := xStep * 4 |
height := yStep |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
x := marginLeft + width * mod(((xInner - marginLeft) // width + 1), 3) |
Gosub, chooseRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, width + wDiff, height + hDiff |
return |
NumpadUp:: ; "8" on num pad handles 1/8-screen windows |
#F8:: |
width := xStep * 3 |
height := yStep |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
x := marginLeft + width * mod(((xInner - marginLeft) // width + 1), 4) |
Gosub, chooseRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, width + wDiff, height + hDiff |
return |
#F12:: |
width := xStep * 2 |
height := yStep |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
x := marginLeft + width * mod(((xInner - marginLeft) // width + 1), 6) |
Gosub, chooseRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, width + wDiff, height + hDiff |
return |
NumpadMult:: ; where the "12" would be, if there was one. :-) |
if GetKeyState("NumLock", "T") == 0 { |
width := xStep * 2 |
height := yStep |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
x := marginLeft + width * mod(((xInner - marginLeft) // width + 1), 6) |
Gosub, chooseRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, width + wDiff, height + hDiff |
} else { |
SendInput {*} |
} |
return |
#F9:: |
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, toggle, A |
return |
NumpadDel:: ; toggle "Always On Top" |
if GetKeyState("NumLock", "T") == 0 { |
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, toggle, A |
} else { |
SendInput {Del} |
} |
return |
#]:: |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
x := marginLeft + xStep * mod(min(((xInner - marginLeft) // xStep + 1), 11), 12) |
if (yOuter < topRowTest) |
y := yTopRow |
else |
y := yBottomRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, wOuter, hOuter |
return |
NumpadAdd:: ; nudge right |
if GetKeyState("NumLock", "T") == 0 { |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
x := marginLeft + xStep * mod(min(((xInner - marginLeft) // xStep + 1), 11), 12) |
if (yOuter < topRowTest) |
y := yTopRow |
else |
y := yBottomRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, wOuter, hOuter |
} else { |
SendInput {+} |
} |
return |
#[:: |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
maxLeftSteps := wInner / xStep - 1 |
x := marginLeft + xStep * mod(max(((xInner - marginLeft) // xStep - 1), - maxLeftSteps), 12) |
if (yOuter < topRowTest) |
y := yTopRow |
else |
y := yBottomRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, wOuter, hOuter |
return |
NumpadSub:: ; nudge left |
if GetKeyState("NumLock", "T") == 0 { |
Gosub, spyActiveWindow |
maxLeftSteps := wInner / xStep - 1 |
x := marginLeft + xStep * mod(max(((xInner - marginLeft) // xStep - 1), - maxLeftSteps), 12) |
if (yOuter < topRowTest) |
y := yTopRow |
else |
y := yBottomRow |
WinMove, A, , x - xOffset, y - yOffset, wOuter, hOuter |
} else { |
SendInput {-} |
} |
return |
chooseRow: |
if (x = marginLeft) { |
if (yOuter < topRowTest) ; if the x position just cycled to the left |
y := yBottomRow ; edge of the screen then switch rows... |
else |
y := yTopRow |
} else { |
if (yOuter < topRowTest) ; ...otherwise, keep it in the same row. |
y := yTopRow |
else |
y := yBottomRow |
} |
return |
spyActiveWindow: |
WinRestore, A |
WinGet, hA, ID, A |
WinGetPos, xOuter, yOuter, wOuter, hOuter, A |
WinGetPosEx(hA, xInner, yInner, wInner, hInner) |
xOffset := xInner - xOuter |
yOffset := yInner - yOuter |
wDiff := wOuter - wInner |
hDiff := hOuter - hInner |
return |
#include WinGetPosEx.ahk |