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Forked from sgnl/
Created October 5, 2015 03:30
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Dev league Day 0 Installfest


If you have already installed any of these programs before, then you may skip it.


  • Linux flavors can use instead use the Terminal application that comes installed.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and find the install code for your operating system:

  • OSX: follow the instructions in the Via curl tab
  • Linux: follow the instructions in the Via wget tab

Change your theme

  • OSX: run the command: vi ~/.zshrc
  • Ubuntu: run the command: nano ~/.zshrc

Move your cursor down with the J key and L to move right. (also, H is left, and K is Up). YOUR MOUSE WILL NOT WORK

In your .zshrc file, using the movement keys the line with the code ZSH_THEME and change it to ZSH_THEME="pygmalion"

Press i to go into insert mode to make changes. When ready to save and exit, press ESC to leave Insert Mode and go back to Command Mode. Now you can move around again with the movement keys.

Useful plugins

With the .zshrc file still open in vi, find the line with the code plugins and change it to look like the line below, order doesn't matter:

plugins=(osx git npm brew github node sublime)

Enabling some helpful aliases

find the code near the bottom of the .zshrc file:

# Example aliases
# alias zshconfig="subl ~/.zshrc"
# alias ohmyzsh="subl ~/.oh-my-zsh"

change to:

# Example aliases
alias zshconfig="subl ~/.zshrc"
alias ohmyzsh="subl ~/.oh-my-zsh"

Save and reload your configuration

While in Command Mode (press ESC key a few times to make sure you are in Command Mode), press the : key then type x and hit enter. You have now saved and exited the vi program.

Type the command: source ~/.zshrc into your terminal to reload the configuration file.

Install Node through Homebrew

run the command brew install nodejs (this will give us the NPM command which we will use later in this doc)

If you have Sublime Text 2 installed, then remove it and install 3. Version 3 is still free and has many helpful packages that Version 2 does not.

Package control is a Package Manager to manage Sublime Text Plugins.

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