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Last active February 3, 2016 14:54
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Some basic Clojure commands
; Install Clojure
; brew install clojure
; Install Leiningen
; brew install leiningen
; Now, on your command line, do a
; lein repl
; from any folder to invoke an interactive environment
; Try out the following commands!
; Do a simple calculation
(+ 1 2)
(+ 1 2 3)
; Secret Java
(class "Hey")
(class 7)
; Collections
'(1 2 3) ; linked list
[1 2 3] ; extends from a Java array
(class '(1 2 3))
(class [1 2 3])
; Create a list with values 0 to n-1
(range 5)
(take 3 (range 5))
; Create a lazily evaluated list
(take 3 (range))
; Assign a value
(def heyThere "Hey there!")
; Use a Java method
(.toUpperCase heyThere)
; Define a function
(defn helloWorld [] "Hello world")
; Define an overloaded function
(defn helloWorld2
([] "Hello world")
([name] (str "Hello " name))
; Define an atom
(def myAtom (atom 3))
;Check the value
; Update the value
(swap! myAtom + 1)
; Tell me moar!
; The graphics library you can use to make pretty images onscreen
; Really! Actually great Clojure documentation, with *examples*. Community built.
; Simple exercises to help you through understanding the language
; If you want to look at the typespeed game implementation
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