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Last active December 12, 2023 15:10
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This is a gist compilation of ****** manual of mona py
Main Project Page ->
Download the file and save it to this typical location ->
C:\Program Files\Immunity Inc\Immunity Debugger\PyCommands
!mona in the input box and press enter
For more information = Open log window (ALT-L)
For Help options ->
!mona help <command>
Updating Mona ->
!mona update [-http] #if default https doesn't work
!mona update -t release/trunk #Switch between trunk and stable release
Working folder ->
Writing output to application specific folders
!mona config -set workingfolder C:\somefolder\[%p] #process name
!mona config -set workingfolder C:\somefolder\[%i] #process ID
This config param is written into a file called 'mona.ini'
Exclude modules ->
Exclude modules from search operations
!mona config -set excluded_modules "module1.dll,module2.dll"
!mona config -add excluded_modules "module3.dll"
author ->
Set author variable
!mona config -set author darthvad3r
option -n -> all modules that start with a null byte will be skipped
option -o -> ignore OS module from search operation
option -p -> takes only one numeric argument, it allows to limit the number of results to return
option -m -> specify the module to perform search operation on; can also use *
option -cm -> set a critera(c) a module(m) should comply with to get inculded in search
[Available criteria = aslr, rebase, safeseh, nx, os]
option -cp -> set a critera(c) a pointer(p) should match
[Available criteria = unicode, ascii, asciiprint, upper, lower, uppernum, lowernum, numeric, alphanum, nonull, startswithnull]
option -cpb -> specify bad characters for pointers (like '\x00\xoa\x0z')
option -x -> set the desired access level of the resulting pointers
[Available values = *, R, RW, RX, RWX, W, WX, X]
Look into the original resource page
a -> alias for seh
assemble -> convert one or more assembly language into opcode
bf -> set breakpoint on exported or imported functions of selected module
bp -> set breakpoint on a given address, which will be triggered if the address is read from or written to
bytearray -> finds bad chars
compare -> compare bytes in memry
dump -> dumps block of bytes from memory to file
egg -> creates an egghunter routing
filecompare -> compare output of two systems
find -> find strings or pointers
findmsp -> find all instance information to a cyclic pattern in memory, registers, etc.
| Locations where the cyclic pattern can be found (looks for the first bytes of a pattern) and how long that pattern is
| Registers that are overwritten with 4 byte of a cyclic pattern and the offset in the pattern to overwrite the register
| Registers that point into a cyclic pattern, the offset, and the remaining size of the pattern
| SEH records overwritten with 4 bytes of a cyclic, offset, and size
| Pointers on the current thread stack, into a cyclic pattern (offset + size)
| Parts of a cyclic pattern on the stack, the offset from the begin of the pattern and the size of the pattern
findwild -> perform wildcard searches in memory
getpc -> outputs 3 diff GetPC routines
getiat -> dump contents of IAT of selected modules
header -> read a file and output the contents of the file in such a way it can be used an exploit
heap -> dump lookaside list and freelists entries on XP
help -> provides info about command
info -> shows info about a given pointer
j -> alias of jmp
jmp -> search for pointers that will lead to execute the code located at the address pointed by a given register
jop -> gadgets that can be used in a JOP payload
jseh -> alias for seh
modules -> shows information about loaded modules
noaslr -> shows information about loaded modules with aslr=false
nosafeseh -> shows information about loaded modules with safeseh=false
nosafesehaslr -> shows information about loaded modules with safeseh=false,aslr=false
offset -> distance between 2 addresses
p -> alias for seh, search for non safeseh and non rebase modules
p1 -> alias for seh, search for non aslr, non safeseh and non rebase modules
p2 -> search all loaded modules
pattern_create -> produce cyclic pattern of a given size and write to pattern.txt
pattern_offset -> locate the given 4 bytes in cyclic pattern and return the position of thos 4 bytes in the pattern
pc -> alias for pattern_create
po -> alias for pattern_offset
rop -> look for gadgets in non aslr, non rebase and non OS modules
ropfunc -> locate pointers to interesting functions in terms of bypassing DEP
seh -> search for pointers to routines that will lead to code execution in SEH overwrite exploit
stackpivot -> search for gadgets that will result in pivoting back into the stack, at a given offset from the current value of ESP
stacks -> list stack information for each thread in the application
suggest -> auto runs findmasp and then take that info to suggest exploit skeleton
skeleton -> creates and empty metasploit skeleton module for a given type of exploit using cyclic pattern as payload
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