This gist is working through the issue of getting the dbus npm package to work with Node.js worker threads, specifically on node v12.13.0.
To run:
npm install
npm run demo
# run the same demo
This gist is working through the issue of getting the dbus npm package to work with Node.js worker threads, specifically on node v12.13.0.
To run:
npm install
npm run demo
# run the same demo
@charset "UTF-8"; | |
@import "variables.less"; | |
@import "mixins.less"; | |
@import "reset.less"; | |
@import "utility.less"; |
<?php | |
mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); | |
class ds_cleaner { | |
private static $allowTags; | |
private static $defaultTags; | |
private static $stripTags; | |
private static $encodeTags; |
# Optionially turn off Entity Tags | |
Header unset Pragma | |
FileETag None | |
Header unset ETag | |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Suppress or force the www. at the beginning of URLs | |
# Option 1: |