- RESTful search engine built on top of Apache
wanted: autocomplete, replace database full-text search, bring site earch in-house
node: instance of elasticsearch which belongs to a cluster shard: data partition within a node. ther are primary and replica shards. more shards == daster indexing index: top level data partition. there can be many indecies within a cluster.
gem: Tire
include in AR models include Tire::Model::Search query DSL, index settings and mappings.
include Tire::Model::Callback uses AR callbacks on CUD index updates happen in current thread, imeplement work queue
by default, it indexes all model attributes expcet id create named index equivalent to database table name
mapping: defines field and data types wihin an index/type
Analyzer: determines how ES indexes a given field. composed of a tokenizer and zero or more filters
paging, filters
monitoring: paramedic, bigdesk
ES handles re-balancing automatically when new clusters added
scaling: max cluster size dependent on index settings