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jkmartindale / awa-twitch.js
Last active March 1, 2025 08:28
Paste this into your browser console to hopefully start earning rewards. Forum thread:
/* Twitch Quest Fixer v3.1 */
const extensionID = "ehc5ey5g9hoehi8ys54lr6eknomqgr";
const channel = location.pathname.slice(1).toLowerCase();
const channelId =["channel({\"name\":\""+channel+"\"})"].__ref.split(":")[1];
const pollDuration = 60000;
let authToken =["Channel:" + channelId].selfInstalledExtensions.filter(x => x.helixToken.extensionID == extensionID)[0].token.jwt;
grantPermission = async () => {
console.log("Attempting to grant permission automatically...");
const integrityResponse = await (await fetch("", { method: "post", headers: commonOptions.headers })).json();