Hi there! In November 2014, We began with the idea of create a Node SchoolGirls chapter in Medellin - Colombia with the help and encouragement of MedellinJS community. The objective was to spread Node knowledge among women and it resulted in a very interesting experiment.
We have learnt a lot! at the beginning we only used the self guide workshop, but the frustration and struggle to finish it was so high, that the outcome was a lot of desertions. We started with 25 assistants, between teenagers, beginners and girls from different backgrounds like, biology, artistics, psychology, senior engineers that wanted to catch up with the new technologies, among others. After the second workshop (and after a lot of tears and frustrating faces), 8 girls remained, and the other ones never came back even with coaching and motivation attempts.
![Primeras reuniones del año Javascripting - Learnyounode](https://cldup.com/YD0rjo4JxY.jpg "Primeras versiones del año Javascripting -