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Created August 26, 2020 20:24
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dremio api example
The following script is intended to provide examples to use Dremio's REST API.
Please refer to the documentation for more information:
Required library: requests
Python version: 3.7.2
import requests, time
# Authentication
BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:9047'
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
data = '{"userName": "dremio","password": "dremio123"}'
response = + '/apiv2/login', headers=headers, data=data, verify=False)
authorization_code = '_dremio' + response.json()['token'] # _dremio is prepended to the token
if response.status_code is 200:
print ('Successfully authenticated.')
print('Authentication failed.')
# Create a new data source
auth_header = {
'Authorization': authorization_code,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
data = '{"name":"Samples","config":{"credentialType":"NONE","externalBucketList":[""],"rootPath":"/","propertyList":[]},"accelerationRefreshPeriod":3600000,"accelerationGracePeriod":10800000,"metadataPolicy":{"deleteUnavailableDatasets":true,"autoPromoteDatasets":false,"namesRefreshMillis":3600000,"datasetDefinitionRefreshAfterMillis":3600000,"datasetDefinitionExpireAfterMillis":10800000,"authTTLMillis":86400000,"updateMode":"PREFETCH_QUERIED"},"accessControlList":{"userControls":[],"groupControls":[]},"type":"S3"}'
response = requests.put(BASE_URL + '/apiv2/source/Samples', headers=auth_header, data=data)
if response.status_code is 200:
print ('Successfully created the source.')
print('Source creation failed.')
# Create a space
data = '{"name":"example","accessControlList":{"userControls":[],"groupControls":[]}}'
response = requests.put(BASE_URL + '/apiv2/space/example', headers=auth_header, data=data)
if response.status_code is 200:
print ('Successfully created the space.')
print('Space creation failed.')
# Promote a file source to create a PDS
data = '{"type":"JSON"}'
response = requests.put(BASE_URL + '/apiv2/source/Samples/file_format/', headers=auth_header, data=data)
if response.status_code is 200:
print ('Successfully created the PDS.')
print('PDS creation failed.')
# Create a VDS
data = '{\n "sql": "CREATE VDS zips as SELECT * FROM Samples.\\"\\".\\"zips.json\\" LIMIT 4",\n "context":["example"]\n}'
response = + '/api/v3/sql', headers=auth_header, data=data)
# Run a SQL query
data = '{\n "sql": "SELECT * FROM \\"example\\".\\"zips\\""}'
response = + '/api/v3/sql', headers=auth_header, data=data)
job_id = response.json()['id']
if response.status_code is 200:
print ('Job creation successful. Job id is: ' + job_id)
print('Job creation failed.')
# Get status of the previous job
print('Waiting for the job to complete...')
job_status = requests.request("GET", BASE_URL + "/api/v3/job/" +job_id, headers=auth_header).json()['jobState']
while job_status != 'COMPLETED':
job_status = requests.request("GET", BASE_URL + "/api/v3/job/" +job_id, headers=auth_header).json()['jobState']
# Get the results from the job
response = requests.request("GET", BASE_URL + "/api/v3/job/"+job_id+"/results", headers=auth_header)
# Get the dataset ID for subsequent operations
zips_dataset_id = requests.get(BASE_URL + '/api/v3/catalog/by-path/example/zips', headers=auth_header).json()['id']
# Create an aggregate reflection
data = '{"type":"AGGREGATION","name":"Aggregation Reflection","enabled":true,"partitionDistributionStrategy":"CONSOLIDATED","partitionFields":[],"sortFields":[],"dimensionFields":[{"name":"state","granularity":"DATE"}],"measureFields":[{"name":"pop","measureTypeList":["COUNT","SUM"]}],"distributionFields":[],"datasetId":"'+zips_dataset_id+'"}'
response = + '/api/v3/reflection/', headers=auth_header, data=data)
reflection_job_id = response.json()['id']
# Check if the reflection job has been completed
print('Waiting for the reflection job to complete...')
while job_status != 'COMPLETED':
job_status = requests.request("GET", BASE_URL + "/api/v3/job/" +reflection_job_id, headers=auth_header).json()['jobState']
time.sleep(15) # Wait for the reflection to be available
# Run a BI style query
print ("Running a BI style query with Agg reflection")
data = '{"sql": "SELECT state, SUM(pop) AS population FROM \\"zips\\" GROUP BY state ORDER BY population DESC LIMIT 5","context":["example"]}'
response = + '/api/v3/sql', headers=auth_header, data=data)
job_id = response.json()['id']
print('Waiting for the job to complete...')
job_status = requests.request("GET", BASE_URL + "/api/v3/job/" +job_id, headers=auth_header).json()['jobState']
while job_status != 'COMPLETED':
job_status = requests.request("GET", BASE_URL + "/api/v3/job/" +job_id, headers=auth_header).json()['jobState']
response = requests.request("GET", BASE_URL + "/api/v3/job/"+job_id+"/results", headers=auth_header)
# Delete the source
sources = requests.get(BASE_URL + '/api/v3/source/', headers=auth_header).json()
response = ''
for source in sources['data']:
if source['name'] == 'Samples':
response = requests.delete(BASE_URL + '/api/v3/source/'+source['id'], headers=auth_header)
if response.status_code is 200:
print ('Datasource deleted successfully.')
print('Datasource deletion failed.')
# Delete the space
space = requests.get(BASE_URL + '/api/v3/catalog/by-path/example', headers=auth_header).json()
response = requests.delete(BASE_URL + '/api/v3/catalog/' + space['id'] , headers=auth_header)
if response.status_code is 204:
print ('Space deleted successfully.')
print('Space deletion failed.')
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