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Last active January 10, 2024 13:58
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List of suspicious strings used by PowerShell `SuspiciousContentChecker` function
# Source: System.Management.Automation.dll
# This list is used to determin if a ScriptBlock contains potential suspicious content
# If a match is found an automatic 4104 with a "warning" level is generated.
- "Add-Type"
- "AddSecurityPackage"
- "AdjustTokenPrivileges"
- "AllocHGlobal"
- "BindingFlags"
- "Bypass"
- "CloseHandle"
- "CreateDecryptor"
- "CreateEncryptor"
- "CreateProcessWithToken"
- "CreateRemoteThread"
- "CreateThread"
- "CreateType"
- "CreateUserThread"
- "Cryptography"
- "CryptoServiceProvider"
- "CryptoStream"
- "DangerousGetHandle"
- "DeclaringMethod"
- "DeclaringType"
- "DefineConstructor"
- "DefineDynamicAssembly"
- "DefineDynamicModule"
- "DefineEnum"
- "DefineField"
- "DefineLiteral"
- "DefinePInvokeMethod"
- "DefineType"
- "DeflateStream"
- "DeviceIoControl"
- "DllImport"
- "DuplicateTokenEx"
- "Emit"
- "EncodedCommand"
- "EnumerateSecurityPackages"
- "ExpandString"
- "FreeHGlobal"
- "FreeLibrary"
- "FromBase64String"
- "GetAssemblies"
- "GetAsyncKeyState"
- "GetConstructor"
- "GetConstructors"
- "GetDefaultMembers"
- "GetDelegateForFunctionPointer"
- "GetEvent"
- "GetEvents"
- "GetField"
- "GetFields"
- "GetForegroundWindow"
- "GetInterface"
- "GetInterfaceMap"
- "GetInterfaces"
- "GetKeyboardState"
- "GetLogonSessionData"
- "GetMember"
- "GetMembers"
- "GetMethod"
- "GetMethods"
- "GetModuleHandle"
- "GetNestedType"
- "GetNestedTypes"
- "GetPowerShell"
- "GetProcAddress"
- "GetProcessHandle"
- "GetProperties"
- "GetProperty"
- "GetTokenInformation"
- "GetTypes"
- "ILGenerator"
- "ImpersonateLoggedOnUser"
- "InteropServices"
- "IntPtr"
- "InvokeMember"
- "kernel32"
- "LoadLibrary"
- "LogPipelineExecutionDetails"
- "MakeArrayType"
- "MakeByRefType"
- "MakeGenericType"
- "MakePointerType"
- "Marshal"
- "memcpy"
- "MemoryStream"
- "Methods"
- "MiniDumpWriteDump"
- "NonPublic"
- "OpenDesktop"
- "OpenProcess"
- "OpenProcessToken"
- "OpenThreadToken"
- "OpenWindowStation"
- "PasswordDeriveBytes"
- "Properties"
- "ProtectedEventLogging"
- "PtrToString"
- "PtrToStructure"
- "ReadProcessMemory"
- "ReflectedType"
- "RevertToSelf"
- "RijndaelManaged"
- "ScriptBlockLogging"
- "SetInformationProcess"
- "SetThreadToken"
- "SHA1Managed"
- "StructureToPtr"
- "ToBase64String"
- "TransformFinalBlock"
- "TypeHandle"
- "TypeInitializer"
- "UnderlyingSystemType"
- "UnverifiableCodeAttribute"
- "VirtualAlloc"
- "VirtualFree"
- "VirtualProtect"
- "WriteByte"
- "WriteInt32"
- "WriteProcessMemory"
- "ZeroFreeGlobalAllocUnicode"
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