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Last active February 25, 2023 07:54
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Update aFloat function
import kotlin.random.Random
import kotlin.reflect.KMutableProperty
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
fun <T> Array<T>.aElement(): T {
return this[Random.nextInt(0, size - 1)]
fun aBoolean(random: Random = Random): Boolean {
return when ((0..1).random(random)) {
1 -> true
else -> false
fun aString(length: Int = 5, maybeNumber: Boolean = true, random: Random = Random): String {
require(length > -1) {
"length must bigger than -1"
var allowedChars = ('A'..'Z') + ('a'..'z')
if (maybeNumber) {
allowedChars ='0'..'9')
return (1..length)
.map { allowedChars.random(random) }
fun aDouble(random: Random = Random) = random.nextDouble(Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE)
fun aFloat(random: Random = Random) = Float.MIN_VALUE + random.nextFloat() * (Float.MAX_VALUE - Float.MIN_VALUE)
fun aPositiveDouble(random: Random = Random) = random.nextDouble(0.0, Double.MAX_VALUE)
fun aHexColor(random: Random = Random): String {
val nextInt = random.nextInt(0xffffff + 1)
return String.format("#%06x", nextInt)
fun aInt(min: Int = Int.MIN_VALUE, max: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE, random: Random = Random) =
random.nextInt(min, max)
fun aLong(random: Random = Random) = random.nextLong(Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE)
fun aPositiveInt(random: Random = Random) = random.nextInt(0, Int.MAX_VALUE)
fun aPositiveLong(random: Random = Random) = random.nextLong(0, Long.MAX_VALUE)
fun anotherString(outValues: List<String>, random: Random = Random): String {
val string = aString(random = random)
if (outValues.contains(string)) {
anotherString(outValues, random)
return string
* Generate a random int by [generator] that is not an element of [outValues]
fun anotherInt(outValues: List<Int>, random: Random = Random, generator: (random: Random) -> Int = ::aInt): Int {
val int = generator(random)
if (outValues.contains(int)) {
anotherInt(outValues, random, generator)
return int
* Generate a random int by [generator] that is not equal to [outValue]
fun anotherInt(outValue: Int, random: Random = Random, generator: (random: Random) -> Int = ::aInt): Int {
val int = generator(random)
if (outValue == int) {
anotherInt(outValue, random, generator)
return int
* Generate [number] different url with specified [domain]
fun multiUrl(
number: Int,
scheme: String = "http",
domain: String = "com",
random: Random = Random(number)
): List<String> {
require(number > 0)
return (0..number).map {
aUrl(random = random, scheme = scheme, domain = domain)
fun aUrl(
scheme: String = "http",
host: String? = null,
domain: String = "com",
path: String = "",
params: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(),
random: Random = Random,
): String {
val fHost = host ?: aString(random = random)
val baseUrl = StringBuilder()
.appendIfTrue(domain.isNotEmpty(), ".$domain")
return if (params.isNotEmpty()) {
} else baseUrl
fun aScheme(): String = aString(4).plus("://")
private fun String.appendParamToUrl(
params: Map<String, String>
): String {
val url = this
if (params.isEmpty()) {
return url
val fUrl = if (!url.endsWith("?")) {"?")
} else url
val path = { "${it.key}=${it.value}" }.toList().joinToString(separator = "&")
private fun normalizeScheme(scheme: String) = if (scheme.isNotEmpty() && !scheme.endsWith("://")) {"://")
} else scheme
private fun StringBuilder.appendIfTrue(condition: Boolean, string: String): StringBuilder {
if (condition) {
return append(string)
return this
infix fun <R> IntRange.generate(generator: (index: Int) -> R): List<R> {
return map { generator(it) }
fun <R> generate(count: Int, generator: (index: Int) -> R): List<R> {
return (1..count).map { generator(it) }
fun aPairLatLng(random: Random = Random): Pair<Double, Double> = aLat(random) to aLng(random)
fun aLat(random: Random = Random): Double = random.nextDouble() * -180.0 + 90.0
fun aLng(random: Random = Random): Double = random.nextDouble() * -360.0 + 180.0
fun aThrowable(message: String = ""): Throwable = Throwable(message)
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