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Created April 10, 2017 13:57
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latexindent version 3.0, a script to indent .tex files
latexindent lives here: /usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/scripts/latexindent/
Mon Apr 10 21:53:26 2017
Processing switches
-l|--localSettings: Read localSettings YAML file
-o|--outputfile: output to file
-c|--cruft: cruft directory
Directory for backup files and indent.log: logs/
YAML settings read
Reading defaultSettings.yaml from /usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-dist/scripts/latexindent/defaultSettings.yaml
Home directory is /Users/Nasy (didn't find either indentconfig.yaml or .indentconfig.yaml)
To specify user settings you would put indentconfig.yaml here: /Users/Nasy/indentconfig.yaml
Alternatively, you can use the hidden file .indentconfig.yaml as: /Users/Nasy/.indentconfig.yaml
WARNING yaml file not found: ./localSettings.yaml not found
Proceeding without it.
List of items: myitem|item (see itemNames)
looking for VERBATIM commands (see verbatimCommands)
looking for FILE CONTENTS environments (see fileContentsEnvironments)
looking for filecontents*:1 environments
looking for filecontents:1 environments
\begin{document} found in body (after searching for filecontents)-- assuming that a preamble exists
Custom replacement text routine for preamble preamble
preamble found: LatexIndent::Preamble=HASH(0x7fc0040ac118)
replaced with ID: LTXIN-TK-preamble1-END
NOT storing LTXIN-TK-preamble1-END for indentation -- will store as VERBATIM object (see indentPreamble)
Phase 1: searching for objects
looking for ENVIRONMENTS
looking for IFELSEFI
looking for HEADINGS (chapter, section, part, etc)
looking for COMMANDS and key = {value}
looking for SPECIAL begin/end
Objects have been found.
Operating on: masterdocument
Number of children:
Phase 2: finding surrounding indentation
Phase 3: indenting objects
Phase 4: final indentation check
Output routine
Outputting to file -s
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