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Created October 31, 2017 10:57
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[GRE] My GRE Words Test #GRE
#+TITLE: GRE Words
#+DATE: <2017-10-31 Tue>
#+AUTHOR: Nasy
#+EMAIL: [email protected]
#+KEYWORDS: GRE, Englesh Words
#+TAGS: fish, 鱼, gre
* Oct 31, 2017
| word 1 | word 2 | cn | other |
| expeld | oust | 驱逐 | |
| endorse | sanction | 批准 | |
| diffluse | spread | 传播 | |
| dampen | eclipse | 沮丧 | |
| unorthodox | unconvention | 非传统的 | |
| heterogenely | disparateness | 不统一的 | |
| instability | fragility | 不稳定的 | |
| reject | repudiate | 拒绝 | refuse? |
| brook | tolerate | 忍耐 | |
| frustrating | delusive | 迷惑的 | |
| rudimentary | sketchy | 未完成的 | |
| originality | novelty | 独创的 | |
| fairness | objectivity | 公正 | |
| perplexing | enigmatic | 令人困惑的 | |
| troubled | infuriating | 费心,大怒 | |
| consistent | congruent | 一致的 | |
| unlinked | estranged | 隔绝的 | |
| capricious | unpredictable | 变化无常的 | |
| illusory | chimerical | 虚幻的 | |
| comparatively | relatively | 相对地 | |
| scarcely | hardly | 几乎不 | |
| Buttressing | Bolstering | 支持 | |
| Questioning | Refuting | 怀疑 | |
| apathy | passivity | 无兴趣的 | |
| reassure | calm | 安心 | |
| alarm | unsettle | 不安 | |
| applauded | extolled | 赞扬 | |
| temperate | dispassionate | 平静的 | |
| a neophyte | a novice | 初学者 | |
| a realist | a pragmatist | 现实主义者 | |
| an extremist | a zealot | 狂热主义者 | |
| intricate | convoluted | 复杂的 | |
| extensive | prevalent | 广泛的 | |
| effective | useful | 有效的 | |
| banality | triteness | 老生常谈 | |
| paucity | dearth | 缺少 | |
| unwarranted | groundless | 无根据的 | |
| analogous | comparable | 可比的 | |
| awkward | ungainly | 别扭的 | |
| vapid | banal | 乏味的 | |
| inaccessible | opaque | 达不到的 | |
| irrelevant | extraneous | 无关的 | |
| confined | limited | 有限的 | |
| succumb to | yield to | 陷入 | |
| recoil from | shrink from | 后退 | |
| singular | unique | 独特的 | |
| counterfeit | fake | 仿造的 | |
| optimism | sanguinity | 乐观的 | |
| realism | verisimilitude | 乐观的 | |
| porous | permeable | 可渗透的 | |
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