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nasyxx /
Created August 3, 2018 12:10 — forked from ykomatsu/
Installing Nix on macOS in single-user mode
nasyxx /
Last active February 16, 2018 13:11 — forked from JulienPalard/
KISS Python curry
#!/usr/bin/env python
def curry(func):
Decorator to curry a function, typical usage:
>>> @curry
... def foo(a, b, c):
... return a + b + c
nasyxx /
Created December 27, 2017 06:53 — forked from stormraiser/
Danbooru Faces dataset

Danbooru Faces v0.1


This dataset contains ~443k anime face images of size 256x256 drawn by ~7,000 artists, obtained from Danbooru


We first downloaded JSON files of all existing posts numbered from 1 to 2,800,000 using their API. We filtered the posts by the following criteria: