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Created July 30, 2015 03:21
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-- Globals
global books_db
global annotations_db
-- Customize for your machine
set books_db to "~/Library/Containers/"
set annotations_db to "~/Library/Containers/"
set as_tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set the text item delimiters to as_tid
on runProgram()
set ids to getAnnotationIds() -- All ids for annotations
log "Processing " & (count of ids) & " items"
repeat with i from 1 to (count of ids)
set current_id to item i of ids
set needs_processing to checkIfNeedsProcessing(current_id)
if needs_processing then
log "Skipped " & current_id
end if
end repeat
end runProgram
on checkIfNeedsProcessing(annotation_id)
set needs_processing to true
tell application "Evernote"
set evernote_query to "any: " & annotation_id
set quote_count to count of (find notes evernote_query)
log "Searching for " & annotation_id & " - Found: " & quote_count
if quote_count > 0 then
set needs_processing to false
end if
end tell
return needs_processing
end checkIfNeedsProcessing
on processId(annotation_id)
log "*************************"
log "Processing " & annotation_id
-- Get the details
set asset_id to getAssetId(annotation_id)
set annotation_text to getAnnotationText(annotation_id)
set unix_timestamp to getAnnotationDate(annotation_id)
set date_script to "date -r " & unix_timestamp & " '+%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p'"
set annotation_date to date (do shell script date_script)
set book_title to getBookTitle(asset_id)
set book_author to getBookAuthor(asset_id)
-- Create the Evernote entry text
set note_title to getXWords(annotation_text, 6) & "..."
log note_title
set blockquote_style to "margin: 0 1.5em 0 0; padding: 0 10px; border-left: 5px solid #ddd; color: #777; font-size: 1.5em; font-family: Avenir Next;"
set attribution_style to "padding: 1.5em 0 3em 0; text-align: right; font-family: Avenir Next; clear: both; width: 100%;"
set uuid_style to "font-size: 0px;"
set blockquote to "<blockquote style='" & blockquote_style & "'>" & annotation_text & "</blockquote>"
set attribution to "<div style='" & attribution_style & "'><strong>" & book_author & "</strong> | <em>" & book_title & "</em></div>"
set hidden_uuid to "<div style='" & uuid_style & "'>" & annotation_id & "</div>"
set entry to blockquote & attribution & hidden_uuid
tell application "Evernote"
log "Creating note: " & note_title
create note title note_title with html entry notebook book_title created annotation_date
on error errMsg
display dialog "ERROR: " & errMsg
end try
end tell
log "Processed " & note_title
end try
end processId
on splitLines(theText)
set the text item delimiters to (ASCII character 13)
set theLines to the text items of theText
return theLines
end splitLines
-- Get all the annotations in the DB
on getAnnotationIds()
set annotations_sql to "select ZANNOTATIONUUID from ZAEANNOTATION where ZANNOTATIONTYPE = '2' and ZANNOTATIONDELETED = '0';"
set annotations_list to runAnnotationQuery(annotations_sql)
return splitLines(annotations_list)
end getAnnotationIds
-- Get the asset ID
on getAssetId(annotationId)
set annotationSql to "select ZANNOTATIONASSETID from ZAEANNOTATION where ZANNOTATIONUUID = '" & annotationId & "'; "
set assetId to runAnnotationQuery(annotationSql)
return assetId
end getAssetId
-- Get the annotation text
on getAnnotationText(annotationId)
set annotationSql to "select ZANNOTATIONSELECTEDTEXT from ZAEANNOTATION where ZANNOTATIONUUID = '" & annotationId & "'; "
set annotationText to runAnnotationQuery(annotationSql)
return annotationText
end getAnnotationText
-- Get the annotation date
on getAnnotationDate(annotation_id)
set annotation_sql to "select strftime('%s', ZANNOTATIONCREATIONDATE + 978307200, 'unixepoch') from ZAEANNOTATION where ZANNOTATIONUUID = '" & annotation_id & "'; "
set annotation_date to runAnnotationQuery(annotation_sql)
return annotation_date
end getAnnotationDate
-- Get the book title
on getBookTitle(asset_id)
set title_sql to "select ZTITLE from ZBKLIBRARYASSET where ZASSETID = '" & asset_id & "';"
set book_title to runBookQuery(title_sql)
return book_title
end getBookTitle
-- Get the book author
on getBookAuthor(assetId)
set author_sql to "select ZAUTHOR from ZBKLIBRARYASSET where ZASSETID = '" & assetId & "';"
set book_author to runBookQuery(author_sql)
return book_author
end getBookAuthor
-- Run a query against the asset DB
on runBookQuery(sql)
set books_result to runQuery(sql, books_db)
return books_result
end runBookQuery
-- Run a query against the annotation DB
on runAnnotationQuery(sql)
set annotations_result to runQuery(sql, annotations_db)
return annotations_result
end runAnnotationQuery
on runQuery(sql, db_location)
log "--- SQL QUERY: " & sql
set head to "sqlite3 " & db_location & space
set sqlite_command to head & quote & sql & quote
set retval to do shell script sqlite_command
log "--- SQL RESULT: " & retval
log "--- "
return retval
end runQuery
on checkNotebook(notebook_name)
tell application "Evernote"
set all_notebooks to every notebook
set notebook_exists to false
log "Looking for " & notebook_name
repeat with current_noteBook in all_notebooks
set current_name to (the name of current_noteBook)
if current_name is equal to notebook_name then
set notebook_exists to true
end if
end repeat
if notebook_exists then
-- move along, nothing to see here
log "Found notebook: " & notebook_name
log "Creating notebook: " & notebook_name
create notebook notebook_name
end if
end tell
end checkNotebook
on getXWords(text_to_process, target_number)
set {old_tid, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, space}
set retval to words 1 thru target_number of text_to_process as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to old_tid
return retval
end getXWords
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