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Last active October 20, 2021 12:07
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Two Player Rock, Paper, Scissors in Solidity
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "../node_modules/@OpenZeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "../node_modules/@OpenZeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
//for use in this blog post:
contract RPSv2 is ReentrancyGuard {
using SafeMath for uint;
event GetGameOutcome(GameOutcome);
enum GameStatus {
enum GameOutcome {
struct Game {
address playerOne;
address playerTwo;
uint stake;
uint playerOneChoice;
uint playerTwoChoice;
bytes32 playerOneHash;
bytes32 playerTwoHash;
GameStatus status;
GameOutcome outcome;
mapping (address => Game) public games;
mapping (address => uint) public playerBalances;
function startGame(bytes32 gameHash, address opponent, uint gameStake) external {
require(gameHash != "", "gameHash not provided");
require(opponent != address(0x0) && opponent != msg.sender, "Problem with other player...");
require(games[msg.sender].status == GameStatus.nonExistent, "Old game/No game");
require(gameStake <= playerBalances[msg.sender], "Players funds are insufficient");
playerBalances[msg.sender] = playerBalances[msg.sender].sub(gameStake);
games[msg.sender].playerOneHash = gameHash;
games[msg.sender].playerOne = msg.sender;
games[msg.sender].playerTwo = opponent;
games[msg.sender].stake = gameStake;
games[msg.sender].status = GameStatus.started;
//player 2 enters game
function participateGame(bytes32 gameHash, address opponent) external {
require(gameHash != "", "gameHash not provided");
require(opponent != address(0x0), "Problem with other player...");
require(games[opponent].playerTwo == msg.sender, "You are not Player 2 for this game");
require(games[opponent].status == GameStatus.started, "Game not started or has already been participated in");
uint gameStake = games[opponent].stake;
require(gameStake <= playerBalances[msg.sender], "Player funds are insufficient");
playerBalances[msg.sender] = playerBalances[msg.sender].sub(gameStake);
games[opponent].playerTwoHash = gameHash;
games[opponent].status = GameStatus.participated;
//After hashes are sent in and both players have played - each player sends their salt with their choice
function revealChoice(uint choice, bytes32 salt, address playerOne) external {
require(games[playerOne].status == GameStatus.participated, "Game does not exist or player Two has not placed a bet yet");
if(games[playerOne].playerOne == msg.sender) {
require(games[playerOne].playerOneHash == getSaltedHash(choice, salt), "problem with salt");
games[playerOne].playerOneChoice = choice;
} else if(games[playerOne].playerTwo == msg.sender) {
require(games[playerOne].playerTwoHash == getSaltedHash(choice, salt), "problem with salt");
games[playerOne].playerTwoChoice = choice;
} else {
revert("Problem with addresses");
function endGame(address playerOne) external returns(GameOutcome gameResult) {
//can we finish the game?
games[playerOne].playerOneChoice > 0 &&
games[playerOne].playerTwoChoice > 0 ,
"Both players need to reveal their choice before game can be completed"
address playerTwo = games[playerOne].playerTwo;
uint playerOneChoice = games[playerOne].playerOneChoice;
uint playerTwoChoice = games[playerOne].playerTwoChoice;
uint stake = games[playerOne].stake;
//winning player: (3 + playerOneChoice - playerTwoChoice) % 3
gameResult = GameOutcome((uint(3).add(uint(playerOneChoice)).sub(uint(playerTwoChoice))).mod(3));
if(gameResult == GameOutcome.draw){
playerBalances[playerOne] = playerBalances[playerOne].add(stake);
playerBalances[playerTwo] = playerBalances[playerTwo].add(stake);
else if(gameResult == GameOutcome.playerOne){
playerBalances[playerOne] = playerBalances[playerOne].add(stake.mul(2));
else if(gameResult == GameOutcome.playerTwo){
playerBalances[playerTwo] = playerBalances[playerTwo].add(stake.mul(2));
revert("Invalid Game Outcome");
//use these lines and comment out deleteGame() to view a completed game in console
//games[playerOne].outcome = gameResult;
//games[playerOne].status = GameStatus.ended;
emit GetGameOutcome(gameResult);
return gameResult;
function getSaltedHash(uint answer, bytes32 salt) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(answer, salt));
function deleteGame(address playerOne) internal {
delete games[playerOne];
//the game disappears after being played, so if you want to leave data behind for testing, you can just delete certain pieces of data
// delete games[playerOne].playerOne;
// delete games[playerOne].playerTwo;
// delete games[playerOne].stake;
// delete games[playerOne].playerOneChoice;
// delete games[playerOne].playerTwoChoice;
// delete games[playerOne].playerOneHash;
// delete games[playerOne].playerTwoHash;
// delete games[playerOne].status;
// delete games[playerOne].outcome;
//deposit a player's funds
function deposit() external payable {
playerBalances[msg.sender] = playerBalances[msg.sender].add(msg.value);
//withdraw a player's funds
function withdraw() external nonReentrant {
uint playerBalance = playerBalances[msg.sender];
require(playerBalance > 0, "No balance");
playerBalances[msg.sender] = 0;
(bool success, ) = address(msg.sender).call{ value: playerBalance }("");
require(success, "withdraw failed to send");
function getContractBalance() external view returns(uint contractBalance) {
return address(this).balance;
function getPlayerBalance(address playerAddress) external view returns(uint playerBalance) {
return playerBalances[playerAddress];
function getMsgSender() external view returns(address msgsender) {
return msg.sender;
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For use in this blog post

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