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Last active March 27, 2022 12:27
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Console variable system like in modern games to C#

Con Var

Basic console variables port like in modern games to C# (aka CVars)

Define your holder classes.

Holder classes will receive static readonly fields with your variables registred like in example, classes must be annotated with [ConVar] attribute.


class MyObject 
  static readonly Variable
    enableVerbose = Variable.Register("verbosityEnable", true), // defaults to Boolean
    verbosityLevel = Variable.Register("verbosityLevel", 0U) // defaults to UInt32
    void CheckLogVerbosity(){
        // do something if this var is set to true.
        if((uint)verbosityLevel > 1) {
         // we received "--verbosityLevel=1" on command line or config file.

You can also watch variable updates to perform some stuff on updated value, for example Socket port validation example:

// you can also specify manually typecode so value will be enforced on variable registration.
Variable.Register("tcp_port", 3005U, type: TypeCode.UInt32, update_callback: v =>
    var value = (ushort)v.Value;

    if (value <= 0 || value >= ushort.MaxValue) // value provided is invalid
        v.ResetValue(); // oh noo! user provided invalid value, reset back to initial value (or 3005U as we defined above)

Additional Notes

  • I've implemented an single command called exec. This command will search a given file, read its contents as plain text, then parse all variables from there and import variable changes.
  • Also implemented an command called "dump", after execute autoexec.cfg will dump all variables and their current values (even modified by config files or command line).
  • All variables that is inside this file will be merged into existing variables, so if you set +var1=val1 then set after +var1=val2 the value val2 will override previous value on var1 cvar.
  • I've implemented circular command check, so if you type exec myconfig.cfg and save as myconfig.cfg and try execute, will skip this line in file.
  • By default an file called autoexec.cfg is parsed and executed once all variables are registred in cache, so important stuff you wanna set, prefer this file.
public static class Util
public static T SafeConvert<T>(object raw, T defaults)
where T : new()
return (T) Convert.ChangeType(raw, Convert.GetTypeCode(defaults));
return defaults;
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public sealed class ConVarAttribute : Attribute
public sealed class Variable
static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, Variable> Registry = new();
public string Key { get; }
private object RawValue = default;
private object InitialValue = default;
public TypeCode Type { get; init; }
public Action<Variable> Callback { get; init; }
internal void ResetValue()
Debug.WriteLine("ConVar: Reset '{0}' to initial value '{1}'", Key, InitialValue);
RawValue = InitialValue;
public string GetString()
=> RawValue?.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
public object Value
get => RawValue;
if (RawValue == null || !RawValue.Equals(value))
if (TryConvertToType(value, Type, out var cast))
RawValue = cast;
Debug.WriteLine("ConVar: Set '{0}' to '{1}'", Key, cast);
Debug.WriteLine("ConVar: Unable to set '{0}' (type mismatch. excepted={1}, found={2})",
value, Type, Convert.GetTypeCode(value));
Debug.WriteLine("ConVar: Set '{0}' to '{1}'", Key, value);
static bool TryConvertToType(object raw, TypeCode code, out object result)
result = default;
if (code == TypeCode.Object || code == TypeCode.DBNull)
return false;
if (code == TypeCode.String)
return true;
var ptr = raw?.ToString() ?? "";
if ((ptr == "0" || ptr == "1") && code == TypeCode.Boolean)
result = ptr.Equals("1");
return true;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ptr) && code == TypeCode.Char)
result = default(char);
return true;
result = Convert.ChangeType(raw, code);
return result != null;
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("Unable to test typecode from given string. " + ex + "\n");
return false;
Variable(string name, object def)
Key = name;
RawValue = def;
InitialValue = def;
static Variable()
Registry ??= new();
foreach (var type in typeof(Variable).Assembly.GetTypes())
if (type.GetCustomAttribute<ConVarAttribute>() != null)
_ = type.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredFields
.Where(x => x.IsStatic && x.FieldType == typeof(Variable))
.Select(x => x.GetValue(null))
Check("exec", "autoexec");
public static void Parse(string[] source)
=> ParseInternal(source, true);
static string NormalizePath(string path)
var ext = Path.GetExtension(path);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext) || ext.Equals("."))
ext = ".cfg";
return Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) + ext);
public static void ParseFromFile(string fileName)
fileName = NormalizePath(fileName);
ParseInternal(File.ReadAllLines(fileName), false, fileName);
static void ParseInternal(string[] source, bool isArgv = false, string path = default)
for (int i = 0; i < source.Length; i++)
var arg = source[i];
if (isArgv)
if (!arg.StartsWith("--"))
arg = arg[2..];
if (arg.StartsWith('#') || arg.StartsWith("--"))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg))
string key, value;
int off;
if (!FindToken(arg, isArgv, out off) && off == -1)
key = arg.Trim();
value = string.Empty;
key = arg[].TrimEnd();
value = arg[(off + 1)..].TrimStart();
if (!Check(key, value, path) && !isArgv)
Debug.WriteLine("ConVar: Unknown key '" + key + "'");
static bool FindToken(string s, bool b, out int n)
if ((n = s.IndexOf('=')) != -1)
if (s[0..n].Equals("exec"))
return false;
return true;
if (!b && (n = s.IndexOf(' ')) != -1)
return true;
return false;
static bool Check(string key, string value = default, string currentFile = default)
if (Registry.TryGetValue(key, out var temp))
temp.Value = value;
return true;
if (key.Equals("exec"))
value = NormalizePath(value);
if (!File.Exists(value))
Debug.WriteLine("Exec: Unable to find file. (file: " + value + ")");
if (value.Equals(currentFile))
Debug.WriteLine("Exec: Skipping nested file loop. (file: " + value + ")");
return true;
else if (key.Equals("dump") && Debugger.IsAttached)
foreach (var (k, v) in Registry.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", k, v.Value is bool b ? (b ? 1 : 0) : v.Value);
return true;
return false;
public static Variable Register(string key, object def = default, TypeCode? type = default, Action<Variable> update_callback = default/*, Action<Variable> validate_callback = defa*/)
Variable result;
if (Registry.TryGetValue(key, out result))
return result;
bool ok = true;
if (type.HasValue)
def = Convert.ChangeType(def, type.Value);
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("ConVar: Register '" + key + "' with fallback type.\n" + ex + "\n\n");
ok = false;
if (ok)
Debug.WriteLine("ConVar: Register '" + key + "'");
result = Registry[key] = new Variable(key, def)
Type = type ?? Convert.GetTypeCode(def),
//Value = FormatValue(def ?? string.Empty),
Callback = update_callback
return result;
public bool GetBool(bool def = default)
if (Value?.Equals("1") == true || Value?.Equals("true") == true)
return true;
if (RawValue is bool b)
return b;
return def;
public short GetInt16(short def = default)
=> Util.SafeConvert(RawValue, def);
public int GetInt32(int def = default)
=> Util.SafeConvert(RawValue, def);
public long GetInt64(long def = default)
=> Util.SafeConvert(RawValue, def);
public ushort GetUInt16(ushort def = default)
=> Util.SafeConvert(RawValue, def);
public uint GetUInt32(uint def = default)
=> Util.SafeConvert(RawValue, def);
public ulong GetUInt64(ulong def = default)
=> Util.SafeConvert(RawValue, def);
public float GetFloat(float def = default)
=> Util.SafeConvert(RawValue, def);
public double GetDouble(double def = default)
=> Util.SafeConvert(RawValue, def);
public override string ToString()
return $"{Key}: {RawValue} ({Type})";
public static implicit operator string(Variable v) => v.GetString();
public static explicit operator bool(Variable v) => v.GetBool();
public static explicit operator short(Variable v) => v.GetInt16();
public static explicit operator int(Variable v) => v.GetInt32();
public static explicit operator long(Variable v) => v.GetInt64();
public static explicit operator ushort(Variable v) => v.GetUInt16();
public static explicit operator uint(Variable v) => v.GetUInt32();
public static explicit operator ulong(Variable v) => v.GetUInt64();
public static explicit operator float(Variable v) => v.GetFloat();
public static explicit operator double(Variable v) => v.GetDouble();
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