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Created September 26, 2019 00:14
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How to configure `create-react-app` `PUBLIC_URL` for use in a re-usable slug / container


  • PUBLIC_URL is used at build time by CRA. index.html will contain the literal string {{DYNAMIC_PUBLIC_URL}}
  • DYNAMIC_PUBLIC_URL is used at startup time to perform a find and replace on the string {{DYNAMIC_PUBLIC_URL}}, wherever it is found in index.html


# Usage:
# ```
# ```
# There is nothing magic about the `{{}}`, as we are just doing a find and replace.
# We could use any string we wanted, but I think using a conventional template syntax makes it easier to understand what is happening.
# If `PUBLIC_URL` is set to an actual URL, this is a no-op, so will work fine.
# If `PUBLIC_URL` is set to the template value, but no `DYNAMIC_PUBLIC_URL` is set, it is equivalent to no `PUBLIC_URL` being set,
# Which works fine: `<script src="/static/js/main.7726234d.chunk.js"></script>`
if [ -f "build/index.html" ]; then
  sed -iE "s,{{DYNAMIC_PUBLIC_URL}},$DYNAMIC_PUBLIC_URL,g" build/index.html
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