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Last active June 21, 2018 19:29
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Sorts the Polycom directory and formats the XML to be prettier. Could be combined with "" but keeping it separate now for testing
# Sorts the Polycom directory file by last name
# That original file is produced by:
# XSL code taken from:
# XSL file is at:
# Runs every hour from "nano -w /etc/crontab"
# Make a temp file to output the formatted XML
touch /tftpboot/temp.xml
# Sort the XML directory file
xsltproc -o /tftpboot/temp.xml /usr/local/sbin/polycom-dir-xslt.xsl /tftpboot/000000000000-directory.xml
# Format the XML file and send it to the original file
xmllint --format /tftpboot/temp.xml > /tftpboot/000000000000-directory.xml
# Remove the temporary file
rm /tftpboot/temp.xml
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