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Created June 11, 2022 13:43
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A Pandoc filter for exporting HTML comments
-- Default: Don't export comments
local comments = nil
function Meta (meta)
-- If there is a "comments" field in the YAML frontmatter, extract this
if meta.comments then
comments = pandoc.utils.stringify(meta.comments)
return meta
function RawBlock (raw)
-- Only export if the input format is HTML (== HTML comment)
-- and if we have a comments value
if not comments then return end
if raw.format ~= 'html' then return end
-- Let's see if we actually have a comment
local comment = raw.text:match '%<%!%-%-%s*(.*)%s*%-%-%>'
if not comment then return end
-- Export the comment always with the correct class, and as an element depending
-- on the comments value. If the comments value is not supported, this is the same
-- as not exporting the comments.
if comments == "paragraph" then return pandoc.Div(comment, {class='comment'})
elseif comments == "bold" then return pandoc.Strong(comment, {class='comment'})
elseif comments == "italic" then return pandoc.Emph(comment, {class='comment'})
elseif comments == "footnote" then return pandoc.Note(comment, {class='comment'})
elseif comments == "blockquote" then return pandoc.Quoted(comment, {class='comment'})
elseif comments == "small-caps" then return pandoc.SmallCaps(comment, {class='comment'})
elseif comments == "strikeout" then return pandoc.Strikeout(comment, {class='comment'})
elseif comments == "underline" then return pandoc.Underline(comment, {class='comment'})
-- This line is required so that the meta values are read in first and THEN the
-- RawBlocks are traversed
return {
{ Meta = Meta },
{ RawBlock = RawBlock }
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