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Last active August 15, 2019 20:27
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  • Save nathanverrilli/86286f686d1663cbdd91a0c0ad59b393 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nathanverrilli/86286f686d1663cbdd91a0c0ad59b393 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import requests
import base64
import json
flagDebug = True
cloudflareEmail = '[email protected]'
bucketSourceId = 'cdb0bd378798e11f6427041b'
bucketFilenamePrefix = ''
cfZoneId = '625b68ff559a2fa5247c9c51e3c6374d'
cfAppKey = 'c641673a3ae68de751172aab8805a3579eca6'
# the preceding 'b' causes these to be treated as binary data
# for b64 encoding.
b2AppKey = b'K000uBzMpPUsL0zM32R9MEgpU9yT4IoQ'
b2AppKeyId = b'000d0da781f4e4b0000000033'
# An authorization token is valid for not more than 1 week
# This sets it to the maximum time value
maxSecondsAuthValid = 7*24*60*60 # one week in seconds
baseAuthorizationUrl = ''
b2GetDownloadAuthApi = '/b2api/v2/b2_get_download_authorization'
cfUploadWWUrl = "" + cfZoneId + "/workers/script"
# Get fundamental authorization code
idAndKey = b2AppKeyId + b':' + b2AppKey
b2AuthKeyAndId = base64.b64encode(idAndKey)
basicAuthString = 'Basic ' + b2AuthKeyAndId.decode('UTF-8')
authorizationHeaders = {'Authorization' : basicAuthString}
resp = requests.get(baseAuthorizationUrl, headers=authorizationHeaders)
if flagDebug:
print (resp.status_code)
print (resp.headers)
print (resp.content)
respData = json.loads(resp.content)
bAuToken = respData["authorizationToken"]
bFileDownloadUrl = respData["downloadUrl"]
bPartSize = respData["recommendedPartSize"]
bApiUrl = respData["apiUrl"]
# Get specific download authorization
getDownloadAuthorizationUrl = bApiUrl + b2GetDownloadAuthApi
downloadAuthorizationHeaders = { 'Authorization' : bAuToken}
resp2 =,
json = {'bucketId' : bucketSourceId,
'fileNamePrefix' : "",
'validDurationInSeconds' : maxSecondsAuthValid },
headers=downloadAuthorizationHeaders )
resp2Data = json.loads(resp2.content)
bDownAuToken = resp2Data["authorizationToken"]
if flagDebug:
print("authorizationToken: " + bDownAuToken)
print("downloadUrl: " + bFileDownloadUrl)
print("recommendedPartSize: " + str(bPartSize))
print("apiUrl: " + bApiUrl)
workerTemplate = """addEventListener('fetch', event => {
async function handleRequest(request) {
let authToken='<B2_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN>'
let b2Headers = new Headers(request.headers)
b2Headers.append("Authorization", authToken)
modRequest = new Request(request.url, {
method: request.method,
headers: b2Headers
const response = await fetch(modRequest)
return response
workerCode = workerTemplate.replace('<B2_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN>', bDownAuToken)
#Can now update the web worker
#curl -X PUT "" -H
#"Content-Type:application/javascript" --data-binary "@PATH_TO_YOUR_WORKER_SCRIPT"
cfHeaders = { 'X-Auth-Email' : cloudflareEmail,
'X-Auth-Key' : cfAppKey,
'Content-Type' : 'application/javascript' }
cfUrl = '' + cfZoneId + "/workers/script"
#resp = requests.put(cfUrl, headers=cfHeaders, data=workerCode)
if flagDebug:
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kslr commented Oct 8, 2018

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nathanverrilli commented Mar 25, 2019

Revision 2 & 3: The original script did not get a download token, but rather used the original authorization token. Although this works, the authorization token authorizes everything, and only lasts for 24 hours. The download authorization token lasts for up to a week (the default in the script).

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