import requests |
import base64 |
import json |
flagDebug = True |
cloudflareEmail = '[email protected]' |
bucketSourceId = 'cdb0bd378798e11f6427041b' |
bucketFilenamePrefix = '' |
cfZoneId = '625b68ff559a2fa5247c9c51e3c6374d' |
cfAppKey = 'c641673a3ae68de751172aab8805a3579eca6' |
# the preceding 'b' causes these to be treated as binary data |
# for b64 encoding. |
b2AppKey = b'K000uBzMpPUsL0zM32R9MEgpU9yT4IoQ' |
b2AppKeyId = b'000d0da781f4e4b0000000033' |
# An authorization token is valid for not more than 1 week |
# This sets it to the maximum time value |
maxSecondsAuthValid = 7*24*60*60 # one week in seconds |
baseAuthorizationUrl = 'https://api.backblazeb2.com/b2api/v2/b2_authorize_account' |
b2GetDownloadAuthApi = '/b2api/v2/b2_get_download_authorization' |
cfUploadWWUrl = "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/" + cfZoneId + "/workers/script" |
# Get fundamental authorization code |
idAndKey = b2AppKeyId + b':' + b2AppKey |
b2AuthKeyAndId = base64.b64encode(idAndKey) |
basicAuthString = 'Basic ' + b2AuthKeyAndId.decode('UTF-8') |
authorizationHeaders = {'Authorization' : basicAuthString} |
resp = requests.get(baseAuthorizationUrl, headers=authorizationHeaders) |
if flagDebug: |
print (resp.status_code) |
print (resp.headers) |
print (resp.content) |
respData = json.loads(resp.content) |
bAuToken = respData["authorizationToken"] |
bFileDownloadUrl = respData["downloadUrl"] |
bPartSize = respData["recommendedPartSize"] |
bApiUrl = respData["apiUrl"] |
# Get specific download authorization |
getDownloadAuthorizationUrl = bApiUrl + b2GetDownloadAuthApi |
downloadAuthorizationHeaders = { 'Authorization' : bAuToken} |
resp2 = requests.post(getDownloadAuthorizationUrl, |
json = {'bucketId' : bucketSourceId, |
'fileNamePrefix' : "", |
'validDurationInSeconds' : maxSecondsAuthValid }, |
headers=downloadAuthorizationHeaders ) |
resp2Data = json.loads(resp2.content) |
bDownAuToken = resp2Data["authorizationToken"] |
if flagDebug: |
print("authorizationToken: " + bDownAuToken) |
print("downloadUrl: " + bFileDownloadUrl) |
print("recommendedPartSize: " + str(bPartSize)) |
print("apiUrl: " + bApiUrl) |
workerTemplate = """addEventListener('fetch', event => { |
event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request)) |
}) |
async function handleRequest(request) { |
let authToken='<B2_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN>' |
let b2Headers = new Headers(request.headers) |
b2Headers.append("Authorization", authToken) |
modRequest = new Request(request.url, { |
method: request.method, |
headers: b2Headers |
}) |
const response = await fetch(modRequest) |
return response |
}""" |
workerCode = workerTemplate.replace('<B2_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN>', bDownAuToken) |
#Can now update the web worker |
#curl -X PUT "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/:zone_id/workers/script" -H |
#"Content-Type:application/javascript" --data-binary "@PATH_TO_YOUR_WORKER_SCRIPT" |
cfHeaders = { 'X-Auth-Email' : cloudflareEmail, |
'X-Auth-Key' : cfAppKey, |
'Content-Type' : 'application/javascript' } |
cfUrl = 'https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/' + cfZoneId + "/workers/script" |
#resp = requests.put(cfUrl, headers=cfHeaders, data=workerCode) |
if flagDebug: |
print(resp) |
print(resp.headers) |
print(resp.content) |
-> https://**.backblazeb2.com and file path