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Created October 9, 2018 09:39
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MMdnn covert from custom pytorch model to caffe

First, git clone the MMdnn

git clone Commit from Line 67 to Line 76, and add model = model_file_name at Line 77.

It might look like this.

    def __init__(self, model_file_name, input_shape):
        super(PytorchParser, self).__init__()
        # if not os.path.exists(model_file_name):
        #     print("Pytorch model file [{}] is not found.".format(model_file_name))
        #     assert False
        # # test

        # # cpu:
        # try:
        #     model = torch.load(model_file_name)
        # except:
        #     model = torch.load(model_file_name, map_location='cpu')
        model = model_file_name
        self.weight_loaded = True

        # Build network graph
        self.pytorch_graph = PytorchGraph(model)
        self.input_shape = tuple([1] + input_shape)
        self.state_dict = self.pytorch_graph.state_dict
        self.shape_dict = self.pytorch_graph.shape_dict

Then, you install this local mmdnn. You are supposed to move to the path of MMdnn

pip install -e . -U

Secondly, you get the 'FD-mobile' repo.

git clone

Also, you commit from Line45 to Line 56, and add this below.

    size = 224
    from mmdnn.conversion.pytorch.pytorch_parser import PytorchParser
    pytorchparser = PytorchParser(model, [3, size, size])
    IR_file = 'FD_mobile'

The main() function should look like this.

def main():
    global args, best_prec1, last_epoch
    args = parser.parse_args()
    with open(args.data_config, 'r') as json_file:
        data_config = json.load(json_file)
    with open(args.model_config, 'r') as json_file:
        model_config = json.load(json_file)
    if not os.path.exists(args.checkpoint):
        raise RuntimeError('checkpoint `{}` does not exist.'.format(args.checkpoint))

    # create model
    print('==> Creating model `{}`...'.format(model_config['name']))
    model = models.get_model(data_config['name'], model_config)
    checkpoint = torch.load(args.checkpoint, map_location='cpu')
    print('==> Checkpoint name is `{}`.'.format(checkpoint['name']))
    size = 224
    from mmdnn.conversion.pytorch.pytorch_parser import PytorchParser
    pytorchparser = PytorchParser(model, [3, size, size])
    IR_file = 'FD_mobile'

You run the script, and then you will get the IR structure file.

python --data config/imagenet/data-config/imagenet-test.json --model config/imagenet/model-config/fd-mobilenet/1x-FDMobileNet-224.json --checkpoint saved_models/1x-FDMobileNet-224.pth.tar

The result is

IR network structure is saved as [FD_mobile.json]. IR network structure is saved as [FD_mobile.pb]. IR weights are saved as [FD_mobile.npy]. After that, you can use this line to convert IR to Caffe Code.

mmtocode -f caffe -n FD_mobile.pb -w FD_mobile.npy -d -dw caffe_converted.npy

Parse file [FD_mobile.pb] with binary format successfully. Target network code snippet is saved as []. Target weights are saved as [caffe_converted.npy]. Finally, you can also get the caffe model like this.

mmtomodel -f caffe -in -iw caffe_converted.npy -o caffe_target

You will get this result.

Caffe model files are saved as [caffe_target.prototxt] and [caffe_target.caffemodel], generated by [] and [caffe_converted.npy].

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