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Created April 5, 2013 11:02
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(ns drunkard)
; Actor
(defprotocol Actor
(actor-action [this world]))
(defn actor-update [actor world]
(assoc-in world [:actors (:id actor)] actor))
(defn actor-move [actor world x y]
(assoc-in world [:actors (:id actor) :pos]
{:x x, :y y}))
(defn actor-at? [actor x y]
(let [{:keys [pos]} actor]
(and (= (:x pos) x)
(= (:y pos) y))))
(defn actor-can-move? [actor world x y]
"Defines boundaries for actors"
(and (>= x 0) (>= y 0)
(< x (:width world)) (< y (:height world))))
; World
(defrecord World [actors width height])
(defn world-at [world x y]
(filter (fn [[id actor]]
(actor-at? actor x y))
(:actors world)))
(defn world-step [world]
"Makes a step in the world. Returns a new world state."
(loop [world world
actors-seq (:actors world)]
(if (empty? actors-seq)
(let [[id actor] (first actors-seq)]
; executing action for each actor.
(recur (actor-action actor world)
(rest actors-seq))))))
(defn world-create [width height]
(World. (hash-map) width height))
(defn world-add-actor [world id actor]
(assoc-in world [:actors id] (assoc actor :id id)))
(defn world-actor-neighbors [world actor]
(let [{:keys [x, y]} (:pos actor)]
(vals (world-at world x y))))
; Column
(defrecord Column [pos]
(actor-action [this world] world)) ; no action for a column.
(defn column-create [x y] (Column. {:x x :y y}))
(defn column? [actor] (instance? Column actor))
; Drunkard
(def drunkard-stuck-turns 5) ; Number of turns
(defn- drunkard-gen-move [x y]
(let [move (rand-int 4)]
(case move
0 [(inc x) y]
1 [(dec x) y]
2 [x (inc y)]
3 [x (dec y)])))
(defn- drunkard-move-random [actor world]
(let [{:keys [x, y]} (:pos actor)]
(loop [[nx ny] (drunkard-gen-move x y)]
; trying to move to random position
(if-not (actor-can-move? actor world nx ny)
(recur (drunkard-gen-move x y))
(actor-move actor world nx ny)))))
(defn drunkard-stuck [actor world]
(actor-update (assoc actor :stuck-turns drunkard-stuck-turns)
(defn drunkard-try-sober [actor world]
(let [stuck-turns (:stuck-turns actor)]
(assoc actor :stuck-turns (dec stuck-turns))
(defn drunkard-move [actor world]
(let [new-world (drunkard-move-random actor world)
new-actor (get-in new-world [:actors (:id actor)])
neighbors (world-actor-neighbors new-world new-actor)]
(if (some column? neighbors)
(drunkard-stuck new-actor new-world) ; if the drunkard has bumped into a column - change its state.
new-world))) ; otherwise, just return the world where drunkard is moved.
(defn- drunkard-stuck? [actor]
(> (:stuck-turns actor) 0))
(defrecord Drunkard [pos stuck-turns]
(actor-action [this world]
(if (drunkard-stuck? this)
(drunkard-try-sober this world)
(drunkard-move this world))))
(defn drunkard-create [x y]
(Drunkard. {:x x :y y} 0))
(defn drunkard? [actor]
(instance? Drunkard actor))
; Tavern
(defn tavern? [cell] false)
; Game funcs
(defn- game-init-column [world]
(quot (:width world) 2) ; x = quotient of width / 2
(quot (:height world) 2)))
(defn game-init-state [world]
"Initialize initial game state in the world."
(-> world
(world-add-actor :column (game-init-column world))
(world-add-actor :drunkard (drunkard-create 0 0))))
(defn game-start [world turns step-fn]
(loop [world world
turns-counter turns]
(if-not (zero? turns-counter)
(do (step-fn world) ; calling the step callback
(recur (world-step world) ; recursively looping & counting
(dec turns-counter))))))
; Console
(defn console-repr-actor [actor]
"An actor representation for the console."
(drunkard? actor) "D"
(column? actor) "C"
(tavern? actor) "T"
:else "."))
(defn console-world-draw [world]
(do (doseq [y (range (:height world))]
(doseq [x (range (:width world))]
(let [[actor-id actor] (first (world-at world x y))]
(print (console-repr-actor actor))))
(print "\n"))
(print "\n")))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [turns 200
world (game-init-state (world-create 15 15))]
(game-start world turns console-world-draw)))
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