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Created June 22, 2016 21:10
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Enables creation of SKProduct and SKPaymentTransaction so StoreKit work flow and model can be the same on a simulator as it is on a device.
import StoreKit
public extension SKProduct {
convenience init(d : Dictionary<String, AnyObject>) {
self.setValue(d["uid"], forKey: "productIdentifier")
self.setValue(d["title"], forKey: "localizedTitle")
self.setValue(d["detail"], forKey: "localizedDescription")
self.setValue(NSDecimalNumber(string: (d["price"] as! String?)), forKey: "price")
self.setValue(NSLocale.currentLocale(), forKey: "priceLocale")
public override var description: String {
return "productIdentifier \(productIdentifier), localizedTitle \(localizedTitle), localizedDescription \(localizedDescription), price \(price), priceLocale \(priceLocale.localeIdentifier)"
public extension SKPaymentTransaction {
convenience init(uid : String, state : Int) {
self.setValue(uid, forKey: "transactionIdentifier")
self.setValue(NSNumber.init(int: Int32(state)), forKey: "transactionState")
self.setValue(NSDate(), forKey: "transactionDate")
public override var description: String {
return "transactionIdentifier \(transactionIdentifier), transactionState \(transactionState.rawValue), transactionDate \(transactionDate)"
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