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Created November 10, 2022 15:20
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Auto increment for Postgres (for use within a package)
#' @importFrom methods setOldClass setMethod
#' @importMethodsFrom DBI dbDataType
#' @importClassesFrom RPostgres PqConnection
#' Generate SQL for custom data types
#' SQL for data types as described in [auto_increment()] can be generated
#' using [DBI::dbDataType()].
#' @param dbObj Object for determining SQL dialect (e.g. connection)
#' @param obj Object for determining SQL type
#' @param ... Generic consistency
#' @name dbDataType
#' @aliases dbDataType,PqConnection,data.frame-method
#' @rdname custom-dbDataType
#' @export
signature("PqConnection", "data.frame"),
function(dbObj, obj, ...) {
res <- Map(
function(x, i) {
dbDataType(dbObj, x, col = DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier(dbObj, i))
stopifnot(all(lgl_ply(res, is_string)))
#' Auto increment type
#' Class constructor for support of an auto increment type.
#' @param size Integer size
#' @export
auto_increment <- function(size = c(NA, "small", "big")) {
structure(integer(), size = match.arg(size), class = "auto_increment")
#' @name dbDataType
#' @aliases dbDataType,PqConnection,auto_increment-method
#' @rdname custom-dbDataType
#' @export
signature("PqConnection", "auto_increment"),
function(dbObj, obj, ...) {
size <- attr(obj, "size")
if ( size <- ""
paste0(size, "serial")
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