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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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core.logic - resource allocation - try 4
(ns server-cons.bench
(:require [server-cons.core :refer [allocate-machines allocate-machines*]]))
(def machines [{:id 1 :cpu-avg 22}
{:id 2 :cpu-avg 17}
{:id 3 :cpu-avg 6}
{:id 4 :cpu-avg 17}
{:id 5 :cpu-avg 6}
{:id 6 :cpu-avg 17}
{:id 7 :cpu-avg 6}
{:id 8 :cpu-avg 17}
{:id 9 :cpu-avg 6}
{:id 10 :cpu-avg 17}
{:id 11 :cpu-avg 6}
{:id 12 :cpu-avg 17}
{:id 13 :cpu-avg 6}
{:id 14 :cpu-avg 6}
{:id 15 :cpu-avg 17}
{:id 16 :cpu-avg 6}
{:id 17 :cpu-avg 17}
{:id 18 :cpu-avg 6}
{:id 19 :cpu-avg 17}
{:id 20 :cpu-avg 6}
{:id 21 :cpu-avg 11}
{:id 22 :cpu-avg 7}])
(declare best-solution)
(defn bench-lazy-solutions
(let [solutions (solutions-fn)]
(time (println "solutions: " (count solutions)))
(println "first: ")
(println (first solutions))
(println "best: ")
(time (println (best-solution 60 solutions)))))))
(defn bench-comb
(println "benchmark partition " n " machines")
(let [machines (take n machines)
partitions #(comb/allocate-by-partitions 60 machines)]
(bench-lazy-solutions partitions)))
(defn bench-logic
(println "benchmark logic solutions " n " machines")
(let [machines (take n machines)
partitions #(allocate-machines* machines 60)]
(bench-lazy-solutions partitions)))
(defn score
"Calculates a solution score. The lower the better"
[max-cpu solution]
(count solution))
(defn best-solution
[max-cpu solutions]
(->> solutions
(map (juxt identity (partial score max-cpu)))
(reduce #(if (> (second %1) (second %2)) %2 %1))
(bench-logic 4)
(bench-logic 8)
;; solutions: 3500
;; time: 24.7s
(bench-comb 8)
;; solutions: 3500
;; time: 114ms
(bench-comb 9)
;; solutions: 17952
;; time: 594ms
(bench-comb 10)
;; solutions: 91662
;; time: 4141ms
(bench-comb 11)
;; solutions: 538928
;; time: 29s
(let [machines (take 1 machines)]
(allocate-machines machines 60))
(let [machines (take 2 machines)]
(allocate-machines machines 60))
(let [machines (take 6 machines)]
(time (allocate-machines machines)))
(let [machines (take 8 machines)]
(time (allocate-machines machines)))
(let [machines (take 9 machines)]
(time (allocate-machines machines)))
(let [machines (take 10 machines)]
(time (allocate-machines machines)))
(let [machines (take 11 machines)]
(time (allocate-machines machines)))
(let [machines (take 12 machines)]
(time (allocate-machines machines)))
(let [machines (take 13 machines)]
(time (allocate-machines machines)))
(let [machines (take 14 machines)]
(time (allocate-machines machines)))
(let [machines (take 15 machines)]
(time (allocate-machines machines)))
(let [machines (take 18 machines)]
(time (allocate-machines machines))))
(ns server-cons.combinatorics
(:require [clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo]))
(defn enoughcpu
[max-cpu [machine & more]]
(if machine
(let [cpu (:cpu-avg machine)]
(<= cpu max-cpu)
(enoughcpu (- max-cpu cpu) more)))
(defn all-groups-enough-cpu?
[max-cpu groups]
(every? (partial enoughcpu max-cpu) groups)
(defn allocate-by-partitions
[max-cpu machines]
(->> machines
(filter (partial all-groups-enough-cpu? max-cpu))))
(ns server-cons.core
(:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
(:use [clojure.core.logic])
(:require [clojure.core.logic.fd :as fd]) )
(defn getcpuo
[all-machines id cpu]
(fresh [machine]
(membero machine all-machines)
(featurec machine {:id id :cpu-avg cpu})))
;; alternative 4
(defn enoughcpuo
[all-machines id max-cpu remaining-cpu]
(fresh [cpu]
(getcpuo all-machines id cpu)
(fd/- max-cpu cpu remaining-cpu)
(fd/>= remaining-cpu 0)))
(defn machinesgroupo
([all-machines machine-ids final-rest-ids min-id max-cpu group]
;; no machines -> finish here
[(emptyo machine-ids) (== machine-ids final-rest-ids) (emptyo group)]
;; no more cpu -> finish here
[(== 0 max-cpu) (== machine-ids final-rest-ids) (emptyo group)]
;; branch 1: close group here
[(== machine-ids final-rest-ids) (emptyo group)]
;; branch 2: try to add a machine to the group
[(fresh [id rest-group rest-ids remaining-cpu]
(rembero id machine-ids rest-ids)
(fd/> id min-id)
(enoughcpuo all-machines id max-cpu remaining-cpu)
(conso id rest-group group)
(machinesgroupo all-machines rest-ids final-rest-ids id remaining-cpu rest-group))])])))
(defn make-groups4
([all-machines machine-ids max-cpu groups]
(make-groups4 all-machines 0 machine-ids max-cpu groups))
([all-machines min-id machine-ids max-cpu groups]
[(emptyo machine-ids) (emptyo groups)]
[(fresh [group first-id rest-groups rest-ids]
(machinesgroupo all-machines machine-ids rest-ids min-id max-cpu group)
(!= group [])
(conso group rest-groups groups)
(firsto group first-id)
(make-groups4 all-machines first-id rest-ids max-cpu rest-groups)
(defn ids-partition->machines-partition
[all-machines ids-partition]
(let [machines-index (->> all-machines
(map (juxt :id identity))
(into {}))]
(map (partial map machines-index) ids-partition)))
(defn allocate-machines*
([machines max-cpu]
(when (some #(> (:cpu-avg %) max-cpu) machines)
(throw (Exception. "Some machines exceed max-cpu, no allocation possible")))
(run* [q]
(make-groups4 machines (map :id machines) max-cpu q))
(map (partial ids-partition->machines-partition machines)))))
(defn allocate-machines
(allocate-machines machines 60))
([machines max-cpu]
(first (allocate-machines* machines max-cpu))))
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