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- I am nbrown04 (https://keybase.io/nbrown04) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is AA5A 7988 5E8D 30E3 A77D 0D70 E8E4 D604 EEF2 B1D5
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The debugger main function, should be called from m0 proper
The struct has the following fields:
per-callframe constants segment layout: | |
constants segment starts with a list of fixed-width pointers. I/N entries are stored directly. S/P entries are pointers to later in the constants segment | |
The data segment has a couple options. It can be appended after the constants segment (either on the next page or immediately after), with the constants data being marked read-only. Alternately, it can just be another segment attached to a special register. | |
If callframes are analogous to subs, the constants and data segment can be analogous to lexical data. | |
If callframes are analogous to subs, how will recursion work? | |
* clone a callframe (when? before entering ( -> no state) or after entering (less waste, leftover state)) | |
* need to work out calling conventions |