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Maciek Grzybowski ncreated

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ncreated / FlakyTests.swift
Created September 14, 2023 12:54
Basic setup for repeating tests in random order
class FlakyTests: XCTestCase {
struct FlakySuite {
let testCase: XCTestCase
let selectors: [Selector]
let suites: [FlakySuite] = [
testCase: CrashContextProviderTests(),
selectors: [
ncreated / NSObject+allMethods+allProperties.swift
Created March 2, 2023 10:19
Inspect NSObject private properties and methods
extension NSObject {
var __methods: [Selector] {
var methodCount: UInt32 = 0
let methodList = class_copyMethodList(type(of: self), &methodCount),
methodCount != 0
else { return [] }
return (0 ..< Int(methodCount))
.compactMap({ method_getName(methodList[$0]) })
ncreated / GenerateColors.swift
Last active September 19, 2024 05:45
iOS 16.2 colors
import Framer
func testGenerateColors() {
struct CC {
let name: String
let color: UIColor
let colors: [CC] = [
CC(name: "systemRed", color: UIColor.systemRed),
ncreated / XCTestCase+Benchmark.swift
Last active November 4, 2022 21:29
Basic XCTestCase Benchmark
extension XCTestCase {
func benchmark(_ label: String, iterations: Int = 100, block: () throws -> Void) rethrows {
var measures: [TimeInterval] = []
let warmUp = iterations / 10
for i in (0..<iterations) {
let start = Date()
try block()
if i >= warmUp { // only measure after it is warmed-up
ncreated / UserInfo.json
Last active July 8, 2020 12:28
UserInfo - SK docs
"\/Users\/maciek.grzybowski\/Products\/dd-sdk-ios\/Sources\/Datadog\/Core\/Attributes\/UserInfo.swift" : {
"key.diagnostic_stage" : "source.diagnostic.stage.swift.parse",
"key.length" : 999,
"key.offset" : 0,
"key.substructure" : [
"key.accessibility" : "source.lang.swift.accessibility.internal",
"key.annotated_decl" : "<Declaration>internal class UserInfoProvider<\/Declaration>",
"key.attributes" : [
ncreated / URLRequestForURL.swift
Last active June 10, 2020 11:16
Replacing URL with URLRequest
import PlaygroundSupport
let url = URL(string: "")!
private extension URLSession {
/// Method under test
func urlRequest(with url: URL) -> URLRequest {
return URLRequest(
url: url,
cachePolicy: configuration.requestCachePolicy,
ncreated / ObjectBasedSwizzling.swift
Last active June 8, 2020 09:00
Comparison of Object-Oriented vs Singleton-Based swizzlers.
// MARK: - UIViewController.viewDidLoad() swizzling
class ViewDidLoadSwizzler: MethodSwizzler<
@convention(c) (UIViewController, Selector) -> Void, // <- Swizzle from
@convention(block) (UIViewController) -> Void // <- Swizzle to
> {
init() throws {
try super.init(selector: #selector(UIViewController.viewDidLoad), inClass: UIViewController.self)
ncreated / Method+Locker.swift
Last active June 5, 2020 15:32
Object-oriented method swizzling
private class Locker {}
private let locker = Locker()
internal class Method {
static func `for`(selector: Selector, inClass `class`: AnyClass) -> Method? {
if let existingSwizzling = existingSwizzlings[hash(class, selector]) {
return existingSwizzlings
ncreated / MulticastDelegate.swift
Created June 14, 2018 16:37
Container for storing many delegates and calling an operation on all at once. Uses weak references to store delegates.
import Foundation
Container for storing many delegates and calling an operation on all at once.
Uses weak references to store delegates.
public final class MulticastDelegate<T> {
private var delegates: [WeakDelegate] = []
ncreated / TestTask.swift
Created September 5, 2017 21:10
Medium blogpost snippet
func test_givenTask_whenExecuted_itUpdatesStatusInSpecificOrder() {
let task = Task()
let mockDelegate = MockTaskStatusDelegate()
task.statusDelegate = mockDelegate
let downloadingExpectation = self.expectation(description: "status changes to .downloading")
let processingExpectation = self.expectation(description: "status changes to .processing")
let finishedExpectation = self.expectation(description: "status changes to .finished")
mockDelegate.didCall_taskDidChangeStatus = { (_, status) in