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Last active March 27, 2021 07:46
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Awesomewm: chaining (sequence) keybindings (4.x compatible)
local awful = require("awful")
-- return a keygrabber which do incremental keybinding
-- @param keybinding: a table that define the keybinding
-- @param persistkey: a string represent the persist toggle key (eg: Super_L)
-- @param stopkey: incase you (somehow) suddenly don't know what is happening and want to stop
local chainkey = function(keybinding, persistkey, stopkey)
stopkey = stopkey or "Escape"
local grabber = awful.keygrabber{
stop_key = stopkey,
keypressed_callback = function(self)
-- keyreleased_callback also catch the keybinding when you press the root key to start itself
self.started = true
keyreleased_callback = function(self, _, key, _)
-- should grabber stop or not
local stop
-- skip the root keybinding to start the grabber..
if self.started then
-- convert number key to number...
key = (key >= '0' and key <= '9') and tonumber(key) or key
-- get the next key in the chain
self.currentchain = self.currentchain[key]
-- if the key binding is a function then call it
-- if the keybinding isa table
-- there's a sub keybinding inside
-- if next keybinding in the chain is nothing
-- it means that the key binding doesn't exist
if type(self.currentchain) == "function" then
stop = true
elseif type(self.currentchain) == "table" then
stop = false
stop = true
-- if persist is activated then don't stop
-- just reset the keys
-- if not then it's time to stop
if stop then
if self.persist then
self.currentchain = keybinding
-- add a persist lock toggle key
if persistkey then
keybinding[persistkey] = function()
grabber.persist = not grabber.persist
-- expected behaviour
-- when persistant key grabbing end
-- it means that you're done with what ever your are doing
-- so just stop the grabber
if not grabber.persist then
-- after the persist change, we need to reset the key since we pressed it once..
-- except if you intentionally do something with it though
if type(grabber.currentchain) ~= "function" or type(grabber.currentchain) ~= "table" then
grabber.currentchain = keybinding
-- default persist is false
grabber.persist = false
-- change the start status to true
grabber:connect_signal("stopped", function(self)
self.started = false
self.persist = false
-- reset the key when the grabber start
grabber:connect_signal("started", function(self)
self.currentchain = keybinding
return grabber
return chainkey
local chainkey = require("chainkey")
local partial = function(f, x)
return function(...)
return f(x, ...)
local tagviewonly = function(i)
local t = awful.screen.focused().tags[i]
if t then t:view_only() end
local movetotag = function(i)
local t = awful.screen.focused().tags[i]
local c = client.focus
if t and c then
-- i'm abusing vim power here...
local bind = {
partial(tagviewonly, 1),
partial(tagviewonly, 2),
partial(tagviewonly, 3),
partial(tagviewonly, 4),
partial(tagviewonly, 5),
partial(tagviewonly, 6),
partial(tagviewonly, 7),
partial(tagviewonly, 8),
partial(tagviewonly, 9),
s = function() awful.screen.focus_relative(1) end,
Shift_L = {
s = function() local c = client.focus if c then c:move_to_screen() end end,
partial(movetotag, 1),
partial(movetotag, 2),
partial(movetotag, 3),
partial(movetotag, 4),
partial(movetotag, 5),
partial(movetotag, 6),
partial(movetotag, 7),
partial(movetotag, 8),
partial(movetotag, 9),
[0] = function() awful.tag.viewnone() end,
local chainglobalkeys = chainkey(bind, "Super_L")
_G.globalkeys = gears.table.join(
-- bind this with what ever you want
-- left super key is good enough for me
awful.key({}, "Super_L", function() chainkey:start() end),
-- your other keys that don't need a modkey
-- like a screenshot key, volume key, ....
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ndgnuh commented Apr 22, 2020

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