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Last active March 22, 2024 20:39
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Block Hooks Demo
* Plugin Name: Block Hooks Demo
* Description: Block Hooks API experiments.
* Version: 0.1.0
* Requires at least: 6.5
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
/* EXAMPLE 1 */
function add_like_button_block_before_post_title_block( $hooked_block_types, $relative_position, $anchor_block_type, $context ) {
// Only apply this hook on the single template.
if ( ! $context instanceof WP_Block_Template || ! property_exists( $context, 'slug' ) || 'single' !== $context->slug ) {
return $hooked_block_types;
// Insert the Like Button block before the Post Title block.
if ( 'before' === $relative_position && 'core/post-title' === $anchor_block_type ) {
$hooked_block_types[] = 'ockham/like-button';
// // Remove the Like Button block after the Post Content block. (Alternative approach)
// if ( 'after' === $relative_position && 'core/post-content' === $anchor_block_type ) {
// $hooked_block_types = array_filter( $hooked_block_types, function( $block ) {
// return 'ockham/like-button' !== $block;
// } );
// }
return $hooked_block_types;
add_filter( 'hooked_block_types', 'add_like_button_block_before_post_title_block', 12, 4 );
function remove_hooked_like_button_block_after_post_content( $parsed_hooked_block, $hooked_block_type, $relative_position, $parsed_anchor_block, $context ) {
// Has the hooked block been suppressed by a previous filter?
if ( is_null( $parsed_hooked_block ) ) {
return $parsed_hooked_block;
// Remove any Like Button blocks hooked after Post Content.
if ( 'core/post-content' === $parsed_anchor_block['blockName'] ) {
return null;
return $parsed_hooked_block;
// Priority is set to 15.
add_filter( 'hooked_block_ockham/like-button', 'remove_hooked_like_button_block_after_post_content', 15, 5 );
/* EXAMPLE 2 */
function add_copyright_date_block_to_footer( $hooked_block_types, $relative_position, $anchor_block_type, $context ) {
if (
// Hook the block in footer patterns.
( is_array( $context ) && isset( $context[ 'blockTypes' ] ) && in_array( 'core/template-part/footer', $context[ 'blockTypes' ] ) ) ||
// Hook the block in footer template parts.
( $context instanceof WP_Block_Template && property_exists( $context, 'slug' ) && 'footer' === $context->slug )
) {
if (
'core/site-title' === $anchor_block_type &&
'after' === $relative_position
) {
$hooked_block_types[] = 'block-development-examples/copyright-date-block-09aac3';
return $hooked_block_types;
add_filter( 'hooked_block_types', 'add_copyright_date_block_to_footer', 10, 4 );
function modify_hooked_copyright_date_block_in_footer( $parsed_hooked_block, $hooked_block_type, $relative_position, $parsed_anchor_block, $context ) {
// Has the hooked block been suppressed by a previous filter?
if ( is_null( $parsed_hooked_block ) ) {
return $parsed_hooked_block;
// Only apply the updated attributes if the block is hooked after a Site Title block.
if (
isset( $parsed_anchor_block['blockName'] ) &&
'core/site-title' === $parsed_anchor_block['blockName'] &&
'after' === $relative_position
) {
$parsed_hooked_block['attrs'] = array(
'startingYear' => '2019',
'showStartingYear' => true,
'fontSize' => 'small',
'textColor' => 'contrast-2', // Color slug preset by the theme.
return $parsed_hooked_block;
add_filter( 'hooked_block_block-development-examples/copyright-date-block-09aac3', 'modify_hooked_copyright_date_block_in_footer', 10, 5 );
/* EXAMPLE 3 */
function add_paragraph_after_post_content_on_posts( $hooked_block_types, $relative_position, $anchor_block_type, $context ) {
if (
// Hook the block on single templates.
( $context instanceof WP_Block_Template && property_exists( $context, 'slug' ) && 'single' === $context->slug )
) {
if (
'core/post-content' === $anchor_block_type &&
'after' === $relative_position
) {
$hooked_block_types[] = 'core/paragraph';
return $hooked_block_types;
add_filter( 'hooked_block_types', 'add_paragraph_after_post_content_on_posts', 10, 4 );
function modify_hooked_paragraph_block_after_post_content( $parsed_hooked_block, $hooked_block_type, $relative_position, $parsed_anchor_block, $context ) {
// Has the hooked block been suppressed by a previous filter?
if ( is_null( $parsed_hooked_block ) ) {
return $parsed_hooked_block;
// Only apply the updated attributes if the block is hooked after a Post Content block.
if (
'core/post-content' === $parsed_anchor_block['blockName'] &&
'after' === $relative_position
) {
// Set the font size and the alignment of the text in the Paragraph block.
$parsed_hooked_block['attrs'] = array(
'align' => 'right',
'fontSize' => 'small'
$parsed_hooked_block['innerContent'] = array(
'<p class="has-text-align-right has-small-font-size"><a href="#">' . __( 'Back to top' ) . '</a></p>'
// Wrap the Paragraph block in a Group block with a contrained layout and top margin.
return array(
'blockName' => 'core/group',
'attrs' => array(
"layout" => array(
"type" => "constrained"
'style' => array(
'spacing' => array(
'margin' => array(
'top' => 'var:preset|spacing|40'
'innerBlocks' => array( $parsed_hooked_block ),
'innerContent' => array(
'<div class="wp-block-group" style="margin-top:var(--wp--preset--spacing--40)">',
return $parsed_hooked_block;
add_filter( 'hooked_block_core/paragraph', 'modify_hooked_paragraph_block_after_post_content', 10, 5 );
/* EXAMPLE 4 */
function add_loginout_block_to_header_navigation( $hooked_block_types, $relative_position, $anchor_block_type, $context ) {
// Is $context a Navigation menu?
if ( ! $context instanceof WP_Post || 'wp_navigation' !== $context->post_type ) {
return $hooked_block_types;
if ( 'last_child' === $relative_position && 'core/navigation' === $anchor_block_type ) {
$hooked_block_types[] = 'core/loginout';
return $hooked_block_types;
add_filter( 'hooked_block_types', 'add_loginout_block_to_header_navigation', 10, 4 );
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