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Last active March 8, 2024 18:40
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(ns prime
[clojure.math :as math]))
;; エラトステネスの篩で素數列を生成する
(deftype Primes
[prime numbers]
;; cons は意味を成さない
(cons [this o] nil)
(first [this] prime)
(let [[[prime] numbers] (->> numbers
(filter #(not (zero? (mod % prime))))
(split-at 1))]
(Primes. prime numbers)))
(let [[[prime] numbers] (->> numbers
(filter #(not (zero? (mod % prime))))
(split-at 1))]
(Primes. prime numbers)))
(seq [this] this))
(def primes
(Primes. 2 (drop 2 (range))))
(defn composite
例へば [1 1 0 1] は 42
例へば [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1] は 57"
(->> factors
(map vector primes)
(map (fn [[l r]] (math/pow l r)))
(reduce (fn [l r] (* l r)))
(defn factorization
例へば 42 は [1 1 0 1]
例へば 57 は [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1]"
(loop [factors []
primes primes
n n]
(let [prime (first primes)]
(if (= n 1)
;; (if (empty? factors) [0] factors)
(let [[factor n] (loop [factor 0
n n]
(if (zero? (mod n prime))
(recur (inc factor)
(/ n prime))
[factor n]))]
(recur (conj factors factor)
(drop 1 primes)
(defn product
[0 2 0 3] と [5 1] の積は [5 3 0 3]"
[l r]
(map (fn [i] (+ (nth l i 0) (nth r i 0)))
(range (max (count l) (count r)))))
(ns rational
2/3 = [[1] [0 1]]")
(defn reduction
[[n d]]
[(->> n
(map vector (range))
(map (fn [[i nf]] (let [df (nth d i 0)] (max (- nf df) 0))))
(drop-while #(= 0 %))
(->> d
(map vector (range))
(map (fn [[i df]] (let [nf (nth n i 0)] (max (- df nf) 0))))
(drop-while #(= 0 %))
(defn clj->rational
"Clojure の有理數から、素因數分解された有理數に變換する"
[(prime/factorization (if (integer? clj-rational) clj-rational (numerator clj-rational)))
(prime/factorization (if (integer? clj-rational) 1 (denominator clj-rational)))])
(defn rational->clj
"素因數分解された有理數から、Clojure の有理數に變換する"
[[n d]]
(/ (prime/composite n) (prime/composite d)))
(defn product
[[ln ld] [rn rd]]
(reduction [(prime/product ln rn)
(prime/product ld rd)]))
(defn integerr?
"整數? 分母が 1?"
[[n d]]
(= (count d) 0))
(ns fractran
[clojure.math :as math]))
(defn- fractran-in-rational
[program input]
(->> program
(map #(rational/product % input))
(filter #(rational/integerr? %))
((fn [n]
(if (nil? n)
(fractran-in-rational program n))))))
(defn fractran
[program input]
(nth (fractran-in-rational (map rational/clj->rational program)
[input []])
(ns user)
(defn eval-print-fractran
"FRACTRAN を實行し、結果を表示する"
[program input]
(println "program: " program)
(println "input: " input)
(println "output: " (fractran/fractran program input))
(println "加算")
(eval-print-fractran [3/2] [0 0]) ; [0]
(eval-print-fractran [3/2] [0 1]) ; [0 1]
(eval-print-fractran [3/2] [1 0]) ; [0 1]
(eval-print-fractran [3/2] [1 1]) ; [0 2]
(eval-print-fractran [3/2] [2 3]) ; [0 5]
(eval-print-fractran [3/2] [3 2]) ; [0 5]
(println "乘算")
(eval-print-fractran [455/33 11/13 1/11 3/7 11/2 1/3] [0 0]) ; [0]
(eval-print-fractran [455/33 11/13 1/11 3/7 11/2 1/3] [0 1]) ; [0]
(eval-print-fractran [455/33 11/13 1/11 3/7 11/2 1/3] [1 1]) ; [0 0 1]
(eval-print-fractran [455/33 11/13 1/11 3/7 11/2 1/3] [2 3]) ; [0 0 6]
(eval-print-fractran [455/33 11/13 1/11 3/7 11/2 1/3] [3 2]) ; [0 0 6]
(println "除算")
(eval-print-fractran [91/66 11/13 1/33 85/11 57/119 17/19 11/17 1/3] [0 1 0 0 1]) ; [0]
(eval-print-fractran [91/66 11/13 1/33 85/11 57/119 17/19 11/17 1/3] [1 1 0 0 1]) ; [0 0 1]
(eval-print-fractran [91/66 11/13 1/33 85/11 57/119 17/19 11/17 1/3] [7 1 0 0 1]) ; [0 0 7]
(eval-print-fractran [91/66 11/13 1/33 85/11 57/119 17/19 11/17 1/3] [7 2 0 0 1]) ; [0 0 3 1]
(eval-print-fractran [91/66 11/13 1/33 85/11 57/119 17/19 11/17 1/3] [7 3 0 0 1]) ; [0 0 2 1]
(eval-print-fractran [91/66 11/13 1/33 85/11 57/119 17/19 11/17 1/3] [7 4 0 0 1]) ; [0 0 1 3]
(eval-print-fractran [91/66 11/13 1/33 85/11 57/119 17/19 11/17 1/3] [7 5 0 0 1]) ; [0 0 1 2]
(eval-print-fractran [91/66 11/13 1/33 85/11 57/119 17/19 11/17 1/3] [7 6 0 0 1]) ; [0 0 1 1]
(eval-print-fractran [91/66 11/13 1/33 85/11 57/119 17/19 11/17 1/3] [7 7 0 0 1]) ; [0 0 1]
(eval-print-fractran [91/66 11/13 1/33 85/11 57/119 17/19 11/17 1/3] [7 8 0 0 1]) ; [0 0 0 7]
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