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Last active October 25, 2019 21:21
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toggle-button & spin-box demo
find red-lang interpreter/compiler for many popular OS
welcome any suggestions, comments or complaints about the code or anything else.
note: new gui won't show print on console till it gets focus
Red [
title "cheap toggle button & spin-box demo "
auth: "ne1"
date: "2018/11"
rights: ""
Needs: 'View ;can't have view with cli
gview: layout [
title "user button demo"
size 350x500
backdrop ivory
style headline: text font-size 12 bold
style tog-button: base 60x20 font-size 10 draw ([])
;need ^M^/ to force newline on windows. need to test other OD
;why is this indented?
pad -50x0
box {these need lots more tweeking^M^/ to look and work as most users & coders expect}
return below
headline "tog-button toggle with word"
target-w: field 40x20 font-size 12 ""
;cheap toggle button, changes alternate color when clicked, 3 different ways
;you could change/check the button/text to toggle
;with multiple tog-buttons you can use face and or face/extra to avoid extra words to change
otb-w: tog-button font-size 9 bold "-Click-Me-" font-color red [
either any [unset? :toggle-w toggle-w = false][
toggle-w: true
otb-w/font/color: black
otb-w/color: gold
print "on" target-w/text: "On"
toggle-w: false
otb-w/font/color: silver
otb-w/color: snow
print "off" target-w/text: "Off"
;; on-create [ ;optional, don't technically need on-create
;; toggle-w: true
;; otb-w/font/color: snow
;; otb-w/color: black
;; ]
headline "tog-button toggle with text"
target-t: field 40x20 font-size 12 ""
otb-t: tog-button font-size 9 bold "-Click-Me-" font-color red [
either face/text = "Off" [
face/text: "On"
face/font/color: black
face/color: gold
print "on" target-t/text: "On"
face/text: "Off"
face/font/color: silver
face/color: snow
print "off" target-t/text: "Off"
headline "tog-button toggle with face/extra"
target-e: field 40x20 font-size 12 ""
otb-extra: tog-button font-size 9 bold "-Click-Me-" font-color red [
either any [ face/extra/tog = false][ ;none? face/extra if don'r un-create
face/extra/tog: true
face/font/color: black
face/color: gold
print "on" target-e/text: "On"
face/extra/tog: false
face/font/color: silver
face/color: snow
print "off" target-e/text: "Off"
on-create [ ;optional, don't technically need on-create
;in some cases face may not initalize this early
face/extra: make map! [tog true ]
;face/font/color: snow
;face/color: black
pad 0x15
headline "spin-box for integer"
;cheap spinbox up/dn buttons. change words if you clone multiple spinboxes
; style wonn't help much yet since it needs unique hooks and names,
; a function might work and would make it easier to specify sizes colors ranges types
spin-box-grid: group-box "" 155x55 font [ name: "Consolas" size: 9 color: black ][
text "spin-box" f-grid: field 25x25 data (form 1)
below pad -4x-4
base 15x15 beige draw [
;font ft text 5x5 "V"
fill-pen linear red green blue
triangle 6x0 12x12 0x12
] [f-grid/text: to-string (to-integer f-grid/data) + 1]
pad 0x-8
base 15x15 beige draw [
;font ft text 5x5 "V"
fill-pen linear red green blue
triangle 6x12 0x0 12x0
] [f-grid/text: to-string (to-integer f-grid/data) - 1]
;view/no-wait/flags/options gview ['resize][offset: 100x150]
;paste into console use is like -e
view/flags/options gview ['resize][offset: 100x150]
comment {
rmv no-wait for gist
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