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Last active December 25, 2021 02:40
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insertion sort in basic, by Neal McBurnett, July 1978 Byte magazine page 121
100 REM Insertion sort by Neal McBurnett for Byte magazine 1978-07
101 REM from page 121 of
120 print "How many numbers to be sorted?"
130 input n
140 print "Input numbers one at a time"
150 for i = 1 to n
155 dim a(n)
160 input a(i)
170 next i
171 REM Straight Insertion SORT: puts the elements
172 REM A(1) through A(N) into ascending order
173 REM I: Loop counter - element of A to be
174 REM inserted next
175 REM J: Loop counter used to search for an
176 REM element less than K
177 REM K: (=A(I)) the number ("key") being inserted
180 for i = 2 to n
190 k = a(i)
200 j = i-1
205 REM while a(j) > k
210 if a(j) <= k then goto 250
215 endif
220 a(j+1) = a(j)
230 j = j - 1
235 REM until j = 0
240 if j > 0 then goto 205
245 endif
250 a(j+1) = k
260 next i
290 for i = 1 to n
300 print a(i)
320 next i
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nealmcb commented Dec 25, 2021

Works e.g. with yabasic on Ubuntu Linux 20.04.
I had to add a bit of code (dim statement, endif, gotos) to the original code, but given that, it seems to work fine.

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