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Last active October 2, 2023 15:01
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.csv to .ics (iCal) birthday event generator
Creates an .ics file with iCal events based on birthdays loaded
from a .csv file with each line formatted as YYYY-MM-DD,Name
Each entry has current age added to the name of the event.
How to use it:
Change the input filename specified in DATA_SOURCE.
YEARS_AHEAD constant specifies how many years of events are to be generated.
import datetime
import csv
import ics
# setup
CURRENT_YEAR = int('%Y'))
DATA_SOURCE = 'bdays.csv' # YYYY-MM-DD,Name
birthdays = []
# Read the .csv data
with open(DATA_SOURCE, 'r') as fp:
data = csv.reader(fp, delimiter=',')
for entry in data:
birthdays.append((entry[0], entry[1]))
# create the calendar and the events
cal = ics.Calendar()
for birthday in birthdays:
bday = datetime.datetime.strptime(birthday[0], '%Y-%m-%d')
age = CURRENT_YEAR - bday.year
for i in range(0, YEARS_AHEAD):
e = ics.Event() = birthday[1] + ' ({})'.format(age + i)
e.begin = '{}-{:0>2}-{:0>2}'.format(CURRENT_YEAR + i,
# dump the calendar data into .ics
ics_filename = DATA_SOURCE[:DATA_SOURCE.rfind('.')] + '.ics'
with open(ics_filename, 'w') as fp:
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