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nebhead / DG6HD-1BW.txt
Last active September 18, 2023 12:40
Programming the Leviton DG6HD-1BW ZigBee Dimmer Switch with ZigBee2MQTT
Programming the Leviton DG6HD-1BW ZigBee Dimmer Switch with ZigBee2MQTT
While the dimmer swith has options to program the minimum, maximum dimmer values through the paddle switch, other options such as the default light level, transition times, etc. are only available to be programmed via the ZigBee coordinator (per Leviton support).
For ZigBee2MQTT (Z2M):
Go to the device from the devices page. On the Dev Console tab for the device you can select what endpoints and clusters you want to read\write to. To read current values from the below and/or write the values to modify the behavior of the lights.
Endpoint 1 Cluster LevelCtl will have the following programmable attributes:
- onLevel: Brightness level the light will be set to by default when turned on. [Set to 254 to enable full brightness, set to 255 to enable previous level]
nebhead / gist:0e855dd7d73f90cdc6f3e7cb76c959a8
Created May 30, 2021 15:33
It might happen that when you upload a sketch - after you have selected your board and the serial port -, you get an error Error opening serial port ... If you get this error, you need to set serial port permission.
Open Terminal and type:
`ls -l /dev/ttyACM*`
you will get something like:
`crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 5 apr 23.01 ttyACM0`
nebhead /
Last active February 22, 2025 14:17
Instructions for Adding Custom Naming for Arduino USB Device

The following is capturing instructions on how to add custom naming for an Arduino Leonardo (or generic pro-micro) for my Arcade Controller device. I wanted to have a simple record so that when I inevitably come back to this someday I can recall how I accomplished this. Reference was taken from the following YouTube video ( at approximately 19m16s.

WINDOWS Instructions:

Create a new set of folders: ~\Documents\Arduino\hardware\daemonbite\avr

Copy everything from C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr to this new folder.