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Michael L. necrose99

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necrose99 / 00-gentoo-installation-partitioning.bash
Last active September 30, 2022 01:40 — forked from renich/00-gentoo-installation-partitioning.bash
Install Gentoo on BtrFS subvolumes + UEFI
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This will obliterate all the data in your partition!! (not actually true, but act as if it was)
# Do NOT execute this script if you don't fully understand it!
# a few vars
amount_of_swap=$( free --si -g | grep Mem: | gawk '{ print $2 + 1}' )
# create directories
necrose99 /
Created February 26, 2020 05:10 — forked from kwk/
Forgot to sign-off commits?

No problem,


git filter-branch --msg-filter "cat - && echo && echo 'Signed-off-by: Your Name <[email protected]>'" HEAD~2..HEAD

To sign-off the last two commits.

Then force to push them to the remote repo with the -f option:

From Scratch
## From bbvol (bussybox in a chroot~y like cage) for building or un-fucking a broken container...
# settings should be able to add as a build setting.
## ie From Gentoo/portage adds portage volume thats curent. adds to yur docker a /usr/portage/ thats least curent to curent day...
## add the from busybox/bb-tools-vol & wala tools... for building.. in cloud..
## else FROM busybox/bb-tools-vol in own new Dockerfile...
## ADD your other scripts/static tools yourname_/bb-tools-vol_extra add your carp'lets for your own use/cases..
necrose99 / caddy
Created May 4, 2018 03:04 — forked from sebastianmarkow/caddy
caddy web server openrc startup script
description="Caddy web server"
description_reload="Reload configuration"
: ${CADDY_CONF:=/etc/caddy/Caddyfile}
: ${CADDY_PIDFILE:=/var/run/}
: ${CADDY_USER:=caddy}
necrose99 / equo.sql-patch.txt
Last active April 27, 2018 18:09
#arm64_gentoo #Sabayon-Linux ## crossdev
# gist , equo.sql-patch.txt & notes..
### base image..
## docker tried for 12 weeks of fails..
## quemu arm64 on Gentoo or sabayon and docker run 75 miles hour into a woodchipper , saguaro cactus, climb a saguaro cactus , make love to wife on a pile of cacti...
## join BDSM cults .... geting it to work .... might try working debian docker [entrypoint /gentoo-arm64]
### however docker/quemu-docker for gentoo arm64 is atm not your FIREND ... so a few dev boards or servers needs be aquired.
## sufice to say docker on sabayon/genoo.. with quemu arm64 has proved painful...

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am necrose99 on github.
  • I am necrose99 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBGXkou-yCTUpOhTUyrEGVyVDzQGl8vbyJ1I3GEDFSf9Ao

To claim this, I am signing this object:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import distutils.sysconfig as sysconfig
import os
__doc__ = '''set-me-up.
set-me-up <projectdir>
necrose99 /
Created July 5, 2017 18:10 — forked from dreikanter/
Create tar.gz archive with Python, unpack files back and check the result
# Python gzip demo: create and unpack archive
import os
import random
import string
import glob
import tarfile
import shutil
import filecmp
# Created Fri Mar 21 2014
# This is a fork of
# This script will download, install and start
# the following items on CentOS 6.5:
# MongoDB
# OpenJDK 1.7.0
# ElasticSearch 0.90.1
# Graylog2 server 0.20.1
# Graylog2 web interface 0.20.1
necrose99 /
Created May 18, 2016 02:37 — forked from prurigro/
An overlayfs-based chroot management script for deployable arch build environments
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# archroot
# An overlayfs chroot management script for deployable arch build environments
# Version 1.18
# Written by Kevin MacMartin
# Released under the MIT license