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Nedumaran Rajagopal neduma

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neduma / nginx.conf
Created February 16, 2017 23:53 — forked from asiegman/nginx.conf
nginx logstash output
# Output json-esque output for logstash to parse easily.
http {
# ...
log_format logstash_json '{"@timestamp": "$time_iso8601", '
'"remote_addr": "$remote_addr", '
'"remote_user": "$remote_user", '
'"body_bytes_sent": "$body_bytes_sent", '
'"request_time": "$request_time", '
neduma / RabbitMQ
Created November 11, 2015 18:41 — forked from defkef/RabbitMQ
## Docker Image
## Ruby Client
## Guides
# I can't remember where I originally copied this from...
Netmask Netmask (binary) CIDR Notes
_____________________________________________________________________________ 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111111 /32 Host (single addr) 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111110 /31 Unuseable 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111100 /30 2 useable 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111000 /29 6 useable 11111111.11111111.11111111.11110000 /28 14 useable 11111111.11111111.11111111.11100000 /27 30 useable
Pragma: akamai-x-cache-on, akamai-x-cache-remote-on, akamai-x-check-cacheable, akamai-x-get-cache-key, akamai-x-get-extracted-values, akamai-x-get-nonces, akamai-x-get-ssl-client-session-id, akamai-x-get-true-cache-key, akamai-x-serial-no
" copy all this into a vim buffer, save it, then...
" source the file by typing :so %
" Now the vim buffer acts like a specialized application for mastering vim
" There are two queues, Study and Known. Depending how confident you feel
" about the item you are currently learning, you can move it down several
" positions, all the way to the end of the Study queue, or to the Known
" queue.
" type ,, (that's comma comma)
neduma /
Created December 24, 2011 18:41 — forked from jasonrudolph/
Programming Achievements: Suggestions from the GitHub Community

Programming Achievements: Suggestions from the GitHub Community

Last week, I published some ideas for leveling up as a developer. I put it on GitHub as a gist, and I encouraged people to modify the list to their liking:

Feel free to fork it and add more achievements. (Make sure they're measurable.)

Or, fork it and mark off the achievements you've already conquered. You might even flag the one that you're currently working on.

So far, more than 270 developers have forked this gist. Many devs have customized their forks as personal to-do lists (e.g., crossing off past achievements and highlighting the goal they're currently pursuing). A number of people have also added new achievements to their forks, indicating additional experiences that they

neduma /
Created December 24, 2011 18:41 — forked from jasonrudolph/
Programming Achievements: How to Level Up as a Developer