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Created February 10, 2022 09:42
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type sort = Bool | Int | Array of sort
type op = Plus | Times | Minus
type var = string
type 'a termF =
| Var of var
| Lit of int
| Op of op * 'a * 'a
| Select of 'a * 'a (* a[i] *)
| Store of 'a * 'a * 'a (* a[i] = t *)
let map_termF f (x : 'a termF) =
match x with
| Var x -> Var x
| Lit n -> Lit n
| Op (op, a1, a2) -> Op(op, f a1, f a2)
| Select (a1, a2) -> Select(f a1, f a2)
| Store (a1, a2, a3) -> Store(f a1, f a2, f a3)
type term = In of term termF
module TermBuild = struct
let var x = In(Var x)
let lit n = In(Lit n)
let (+) t1 t2 = In(Op(Plus, t1, t2))
let ( * ) t1 t2 = In(Op(Times, t1, t2))
let (-) t1 t2 = In(Op(Minus, t1, t2))
let ( .%[] ) t1 t2 = In(Select(t1, t2))
let ( .%[]<- ) t1 t2 t3 = In(Store(t1, t2, t3))
type bop = Eq | Leq
type 'a propF =
| True
| And of 'a * 'a
| False
| Or of 'a * 'a
| Not of 'a
| BOp of bop * term * term
| ArrayProp of var list * 'a * 'a
let map_propF f (x : 'a propF) =
match x with
| True -> True
| And (a1, a2) -> And(f a1, f a2)
| False -> False
| Or (a1, a2) -> Or(f a1, f a2)
| Not a1 -> Not (f a1)
| BOp (op, t1, t2) -> BOp (op, t1, t2)
| ArrayProp (xs, ig, vc) -> ArrayProp(xs, f ig, f vc)
type prop = In of prop propF
module PropBuild = struct
let true' = In True
let false' = In False
let ( && ) t1 t2 = In(And(t1, t2))
let ( || ) t1 t2 = In(Or(t1, t2))
let not t = In(Not t)
let implies p1 p2 = not p1 || p2
let intersect ps =
match ps with
| [] -> true'
| p :: ps -> List.fold_left (&&) p ps
let bop op t1 t2 = In(BOp(op, t1, t2))
let ( = ) t1 t2 = In(BOp(Eq, t1, t2))
let ( <= ) t1 t2 = In(BOp(Leq, t1, t2))
let ( >= ) t1 t2 = t2 <= t1
(* These are engineered to ensure that t1 is safe to be a uvar. If
we ever need i = j with both sides as uvars, then we need to
rewrite the formula. I'll ignore all that in this example. *)
let ( < ) t1 t2 = let open TermBuild in
t1 <= t2 - lit 1
let ( > ) t1 t2 = let open TermBuild in
t2 - lit 1 <= t1
let (!=) t1 t2 = t1 < t2 || t1 > t2
let rec gensym =
let r = ref 0 in
fun s -> Printf.sprintf "%s_%d" s (incr r; !r)
let rec rename_term xys ((In t) : term) : term =
In(match t with
| Var x -> (match List.assoc_opt x xys with
| Some z -> Var z
| None -> Var x)
| _ -> map_termF (rename_term xys) t)
let rec rename_prop xys ((In p) : prop) : prop =
In(match p with
| BOp(op, t1, t2) -> BOp(op, rename_term xys t1, rename_term xys t2)
| ArrayProp(ys, p1, p2) ->
let yzs = (fun y -> (y, gensym y)) ys in
let xys' = yzs @ xys in
ArrayProp( snd yzs,
rename_prop xys' p1,
rename_prop xys' p2)
| _ -> map_propF (rename_prop xys) p)
let rec subst_term env ((In t) : term) : term =
match t with
| Var x -> (match List.assoc_opt x env with
| Some t' -> t'
| None -> In(Var x))
| _ -> In(map_termF (subst_term env) t)
let subst_prop env p =
let rec loop env (In p) =
match p with
| BOp (op, t1, t2) -> In(BOp(op, subst_term env t1, subst_term env t2))
| _ -> In(map_propF (loop env) p)
loop env (rename_prop [] p)
let array_gensym ((In t) : term) =
match t with
| Var x -> gensym x
| _ -> gensym "a"
let rec replace_stores_in_term ((In t) : term) =
let open TermBuild in
let open PropBuild in
match t with
| Var x -> var x, []
| Lit n -> lit n, []
| Op (op, t1, t2) -> let t1', r1 = replace_stores_in_term t1 in
let t2', r2 = replace_stores_in_term t2 in
(In(Op(op, t1, t2))), (r1 @ r2)
| Select (t1, t2) -> let t1', r1 = replace_stores_in_term t1 in
let t2', r2 = replace_stores_in_term t2 in
t1'.%[ t2'], (r1 @ r2)
| Store (t1, t2, t3) ->
let t1', r1 = replace_stores_in_term t1 in
let t2', r2 = replace_stores_in_term t2 in
let t3', r3 = replace_stores_in_term t3 in
let a = array_gensym t1 in
let p1 = (var a).%[ t2 ] = t3 in
let j = gensym "j" in
let p2 = In(ArrayProp([j], (var j <= t2 - lit 1)
(t2 + lit 1 <= var j),
(var a).%[ var j ] = t1'.%[ var j]))
(var a, [p1 && p2] @ r1 @ r2 @ r3)
let rec replace_stores ((In p) : prop) =
let open PropBuild in
match p with
| BOp (op, t1, t2) -> let t1', ps1 = replace_stores_in_term t1 in
let t2', ps2= replace_stores_in_term t2 in
let p = bop op t1' t2' in
List.fold_left (&&) p (ps1 @ ps2)
| _ -> In(map_propF replace_stores p)
let rec nnf ((In p) : prop) =
match p with
| Not p1 -> nnf' p1
| _ -> In(map_propF nnf p)
and nnf' ((In p) : prop) : prop =
let open PropBuild in
match p with
| True -> false'
| And (p1, p2) -> nnf' p1 || nnf' p2
| False -> true'
| Or (p1, p2) -> nnf' p1 && nnf' p2
| Not p1 -> nnf p1
| BOp(Eq, t1, t2) -> t1 != t2
| BOp(Leq, t1, t2) -> t1 > t2
| ArrayProp (xs, p1, p2) ->
let xys = (fun z -> (z, gensym z)) xs in
let p1 = rename_prop xys p1 in
let p2 = rename_prop xys p2 in
nnf p1 && nnf' p2
(* Compute all the non-uvar array indices *)
let read_set p =
let rec term uvars ((In t) : term) acc =
match t with
| Var _ -> acc
| Lit _ -> acc
| Op (_, t1, t2) -> term uvars t2 (term uvars t1 acc)
| Select (t1, In(Var x)) when List.mem x uvars -> term uvars t1 acc
| Select (t1, t2) -> term uvars t2 (term uvars t1 (t2 :: acc))
| Store (_, _, _) -> assert false
let rec prop uvars ((In p) : prop) acc =
match p with
| True -> acc
| And (p1, p2) -> prop uvars p2 (prop uvars p1 acc)
| False -> acc
| Or (p1, p2) -> prop uvars p2 (prop uvars p1 acc)
| Not _ -> assert false
| BOp (_, t1, t2) -> term uvars t2 (term uvars t1 acc)
| ArrayProp (xs, t1, t2) -> let uvars' = xs @ uvars in
prop uvars' t2 (prop uvars' t1 acc)
prop [] p []
(* Compute all the guard expressions *)
let guard_set p =
let rec iguards uvars ((In p) : prop) acc =
match p with
| True
| False -> acc
| And (p1, p2)
| Or (p1, p2) -> iguards uvars p2 (iguards uvars p1 acc)
| Not _
| ArrayProp (_, _, _) -> assert false (* iguard *)
| BOp (op, t1, t2) ->
let is_uvar ((In t) : term) =
match t with
| Var y when List.mem y uvars -> true
| _ -> false
let new_guards = List.filter is_uvar [t1; t2] in
new_guards @ acc
let rec prop uvars ((In p) : prop) acc =
match p with
| True
| False -> acc
| And (p1, p2)
| Or (p1, p2) -> prop uvars p2 (prop uvars p1 acc)
| Not _ -> assert false (* NNF *)
| BOp (_, _, _) -> acc
| ArrayProp (xs, ig, bod) ->
let uvars' = xs @ uvars in
prop uvars' bod (iguards uvars' ig acc)
prop [] p []
let indices p =
let rs = read_set p in
let gs = guard_set p in
if rs = [] && gs = [] then
[TermBuild.lit 0]
rs @ gs
let rec replace_quantifers i_phi ((In p) : prop) =
let open PropBuild in
match p with
| ArrayProp (xs, ig, body) -> (* Assume xs fresh wrt i_phi *)
let q = implies ig (replace_quantifers i_phi body) in
let rec envs xs =
match xs with
| [] -> [[]]
| y :: ys ->
let envss = (fun env -> (fun t -> (y, t) :: env) i_phi)
(envs ys)
List.concat envss
intersect ( (fun env -> subst_prop env q) (envs xs))
| _ -> In(map_propF (replace_quantifers i_phi) p)
let normalise p0 =
let p1 = rename_prop [] p0 in
let p2 = replace_stores p1 in
let p3 = replace_quantifers (indices p2) p2 in
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