June 7, 2024 05:03
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code interpreter installed packages
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[('Babel', '2.14.0'), | |
('Brotli', '1.1.0'), | |
('CairoSVG', '2.5.2'), | |
('Cython', '0.29.36'), | |
('Faker', '8.13.2'), | |
('Fiona', '1.9.2'), | |
('Flask-CacheBuster', '1.0.0'), | |
('Flask-Cors', '4.0.0'), | |
('Flask-Login', '0.6.3'), | |
('Jinja2', '3.1.3'), | |
('MarkupSafe', '2.1.5'), | |
('Pillow', '9.2.0'), | |
('PyJWT', '2.8.0'), | |
('PyMuPDF', '1.21.1'), | |
('PyNaCl', '1.5.0'), | |
('PyPDF2', '1.28.6'), | |
('PyYAML', '6.0.1'), | |
('Send2Trash', '1.8.2'), | |
('Shapely', '1.7.1'), | |
('SoundFile', '0.10.2'), | |
('Wand', '0.6.13'), | |
('XlsxWriter', '3.2.0'), | |
('absl-py', '2.1.0'), | |
('ace-tools', '0.0.1'), | |
('aeppl', '0.0.31'), | |
('aesara', '2.7.3'), | |
('affine', '2.4.0'), | |
('aiohttp', '3.8.6'), | |
('aiosignal', '1.3.1'), | |
('analytics-python', '1.4.post1'), | |
('anyio', '3.7.1'), | |
('anytree', '2.8.0'), | |
('argon2-cffi', '23.1.0'), | |
('argon2-cffi-bindings', '21.2.0'), | |
('arviz', '0.17.1'), | |
('asn1crypto', '1.5.1'), | |
('asttokens', '2.4.1'), | |
('async-timeout', '4.0.3'), | |
('attrs', '23.2.0'), | |
('audioread', '3.0.1'), | |
('backoff', '1.10.0'), | |
('basemap', '1.3.9'), | |
('basemap-data', '1.3.2'), | |
('bcrypt', '4.1.2'), | |
('beautifulsoup4', '4.12.3'), | |
('bleach', '6.1.0'), | |
('blinker', '1.7.0'), | |
('blis', '0.7.11'), | |
('blosc2', '2.0.0'), | |
('bokeh', '2.4.0'), | |
('branca', '0.7.1'), | |
('cachetools', '5.3.3'), | |
('cairocffi', '1.6.1'), | |
('camelot-py', '0.10.1'), | |
('catalogue', '2.0.10'), | |
('certifi', '2024.2.2'), | |
('cffi', '1.16.0'), | |
('chardet', '3.0.4'), | |
('charset-normalizer', '2.1.1'), | |
('click', '8.1.7'), | |
('click-plugins', '1.1.1'), | |
('cligj', '0.7.2'), | |
('cloudpickle', '3.0.0'), | |
('cmake', '3.28.3'), | |
('cmudict', '1.0.21'), | |
('comm', '0.2.2'), | |
('confection', '0.1.4'), | |
('cons', '0.4.6'), | |
('contourpy', '1.2.0'), | |
('countryinfo', '0.1.2'), | |
('cryptography', '3.4.8'), | |
('cssselect2', '0.7.0'), | |
('cycler', '0.12.1'), | |
('cymem', '2.0.8'), | |
('databricks-sql-connector', '0.9.1'), | |
('debugpy', '1.8.1'), | |
('decorator', '4.4.2'), | |
('defusedxml', '0.7.1'), | |
('dlib', '19.24.2'), | |
('dnspython', '2.6.1'), | |
('docx2txt', '0.8'), | |
('einops', '0.3.2'), | |
('email-validator', '2.1.1'), | |
('entrypoints', '0.4'), | |
('et-xmlfile', '1.1.0'), | |
('etuples', '0.3.9'), | |
('exchange-calendars', '3.4'), | |
('executing', '2.0.1'), | |
('fastapi', '0.95.2'), | |
('fastjsonschema', '2.19.1'), | |
('fastprogress', '1.0.3'), | |
('ffmpeg-python', '0.2.0'), | |
('ffmpy', '0.3.2'), | |
('filelock', '3.13.1'), | |
('flask', '3.0.2'), | |
('folium', '0.12.1'), | |
('fonttools', '4.49.0'), | |
('fpdf', '1.7.2'), | |
('frozenlist', '1.4.1'), | |
('future', '1.0.0'), | |
('fuzzywuzzy', '0.18.0'), | |
('gTTS', '2.2.3'), | |
('gensim', '4.3.1'), | |
('geographiclib', '1.52'), | |
('geopandas', '0.10.2'), | |
('geopy', '2.2.0'), | |
('gradio', '2.2.15'), | |
('graphviz', '0.17'), | |
('h11', '0.14.0'), | |
('h2', '4.1.0'), | |
('h5netcdf', '1.3.0'), | |
('h5py', '3.8.0'), | |
('hpack', '4.0.0'), | |
('html5lib', '1.1'), | |
('httpcore', '1.0.4'), | |
('httptools', '0.6.1'), | |
('httpx', '0.27.0'), | |
('hypercorn', '0.14.3'), | |
('hyperframe', '6.0.1'), | |
('idna', '3.6'), | |
('imageio', '2.34.0'), | |
('imageio-ffmpeg', '0.4.9'), | |
('imgkit', '1.2.2'), | |
('importlib-metadata', '7.0.2'), | |
('importlib-resources', '6.3.0'), | |
('iniconfig', '2.0.0'), | |
('ipykernel', '6.29.3'), | |
('ipython', '8.22.2'), | |
('ipython-genutils', '0.2.0'), | |
('isodate', '0.6.1'), | |
('itsdangerous', '2.1.2'), | |
('jax', '0.2.28'), | |
('jedi', '0.19.1'), | |
('joblib', '1.3.2'), | |
('json5', '0.9.22'), | |
('jsonpickle', '3.0.3'), | |
('jsonschema', '4.21.1'), | |
('jsonschema-specifications', '2023.12.1'), | |
('jupyter-client', '7.4.9'), | |
('jupyter-core', '5.1.3'), | |
('jupyter-server', '1.23.5'), | |
('jupyterlab', '3.4.8'), | |
('jupyterlab-pygments', '0.2.2'), | |
('jupyterlab-server', '2.19.0'), | |
('keras', '2.6.0'), | |
('kerykeion', '2.1.16'), | |
('kiwisolver', '1.4.5'), | |
('korean-lunar-calendar', '0.3.1'), | |
('langcodes', '3.3.0'), | |
('lazy-loader', '0.3'), | |
('librosa', '0.8.1'), | |
('lit', '18.1.1'), | |
('llvmlite', '0.42.0'), | |
('logical-unification', '0.4.6'), | |
('loguru', '0.5.3'), | |
('lxml', '5.1.0'), | |
('markdown2', '2.4.13'), | |
('markdownify', '0.9.3'), | |
('matplotlib', '3.6.3'), | |
('matplotlib-inline', '0.1.6'), | |
('matplotlib-venn', '0.11.6'), | |
('miniKanren', '1.0.3'), | |
('mistune', '3.0.2'), | |
('mizani', '0.10.0'), | |
('mne', '0.23.4'), | |
('monotonic', '1.6'), | |
('moviepy', '1.0.3'), | |
('mpmath', '1.3.0'), | |
('msgpack', '1.0.8'), | |
('mtcnn', '0.1.1'), | |
('multidict', '6.0.5'), | |
('multipledispatch', '1.0.0'), | |
('munch', '4.0.0'), | |
('murmurhash', '1.0.10'), | |
('mutagen', '1.45.1'), | |
('nashpy', '0.0.35'), | |
('nbclassic', '0.4.5'), | |
('nbclient', '0.10.0'), | |
('nbconvert', '7.16.2'), | |
('nbformat', '5.10.2'), | |
('nest-asyncio', '1.6.0'), | |
('networkx', '2.8.8'), | |
('nltk', '3.6.3'), | |
('notebook', '6.5.1'), | |
('notebook-shim', '0.2.4'), | |
('numba', '0.59.0'), | |
('numexpr', '2.9.0'), | |
('numpy', '1.24.0'), | |
('numpy-financial', '1.0.0'), | |
('nvidia-cublas-cu11', ''), | |
('nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu11', '11.7.101'), | |
('nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu11', '11.7.99'), | |
('nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu11', '11.7.99'), | |
('nvidia-cudnn-cu11', ''), | |
('nvidia-cufft-cu11', ''), | |
('nvidia-curand-cu11', ''), | |
('nvidia-cusolver-cu11', ''), | |
('nvidia-cusparse-cu11', ''), | |
('nvidia-nccl-cu11', '2.14.3'), | |
('nvidia-nvtx-cu11', '11.7.91'), | |
('odfpy', '1.4.1'), | |
('opencv-python', ''), | |
('openpyxl', '3.0.10'), | |
('opt-einsum', '3.3.0'), | |
('orjson', '3.9.15'), | |
('oscrypto', '1.3.0'), | |
('packaging', '24.0'), | |
('pandas', '1.5.3'), | |
('pandocfilters', '1.5.1'), | |
('paramiko', '3.4.0'), | |
('parso', '0.8.3'), | |
('pathlib-abc', '0.1.1'), | |
('pathy', '0.11.0'), | |
('patsy', '0.5.6'), | |
('pdf2image', '1.16.3'), | |
('pdfkit', '0.6.1'), | |
('pdfminer.six', '20220319'), | |
('pdfplumber', '0.6.2'), | |
('pdfrw', '0.4'), | |
('pexpect', '4.9.0'), | |
('pip', '24.0'), | |
('platformdirs', '4.2.0'), | |
('plotly', '5.3.0'), | |
('plotnine', '0.10.1'), | |
('pluggy', '1.4.0'), | |
('pooch', '1.8.1'), | |
('preshed', '3.0.9'), | |
('priority', '2.0.0'), | |
('proglog', '0.1.10'), | |
('prometheus-client', '0.20.0'), | |
('prompt-toolkit', '3.0.43'), | |
('pronouncing', '0.2.0'), | |
('psutil', '5.9.8'), | |
('ptyprocess', '0.7.0'), | |
('pure-eval', '0.2.2'), | |
('py', '1.11.0'), | |
('py-cpuinfo', '9.0.0'), | |
('pyOpenSSL', '21.0.0'), | |
('pycountry', '20.7.3'), | |
('pycparser', '2.21'), | |
('pycryptodome', '3.20.0'), | |
('pycryptodomex', '3.20.0'), | |
('pydantic', '1.10.2'), | |
('pydot', '1.4.2'), | |
('pydub', '0.25.1'), | |
('pydyf', '0.9.0'), | |
('pygments', '2.17.2'), | |
('pygraphviz', '1.7'), | |
('pylog', '1.1'), | |
('pyluach', '2.2.0'), | |
('pymc', '4.0.1'), | |
('pypandoc', '1.6.3'), | |
('pyparsing', '3.1.2'), | |
('pyphen', '0.14.0'), | |
('pyproj', '3.6.1'), | |
('pyprover', '0.5.6'), | |
('pyshp', '2.3.1'), | |
('pyswisseph', ''), | |
('pytesseract', '0.3.8'), | |
('pytest', '6.2.5'), | |
('pyth3', '0.7'), | |
('python-dateutil', '2.9.0.post0'), | |
('python-docx', '0.8.11'), | |
('python-dotenv', '1.0.1'), | |
('python-json-logger', '2.0.7'), | |
('python-multipart', '0.0.9'), | |
('python-pptx', '0.6.21'), | |
('pyttsx3', '2.90'), | |
('pytz', '2024.1'), | |
('pywavelets', '1.5.0'), | |
('pyxlsb', '1.0.8'), | |
('pyzbar', '0.1.8'), | |
('pyzmq', '25.1.2'), | |
('qrcode', '7.3'), | |
('rarfile', '4.0'), | |
('rasterio', '1.3.3'), | |
('rdflib', '6.0.0'), | |
('referencing', '0.33.0'), | |
('regex', '2023.12.25'), | |
('reportlab', '3.6.12'), | |
('requests', '2.31.0'), | |
('resampy', '0.4.3'), | |
('rpds-py', '0.18.0'), | |
('scikit-image', '0.20.0'), | |
('scikit-learn', '1.1.3'), | |
('scipy', '1.9.3'), | |
('seaborn', '0.11.2'), | |
('sentencepiece', '0.2.0'), | |
('setuptools', '65.5.1'), | |
('shap', '0.39.0'), | |
('six', '1.16.0'), | |
('slicer', '0.0.7'), | |
('smart-open', '6.4.0'), | |
('sniffio', '1.3.1'), | |
('snowflake-connector-python', '2.7.12'), | |
('snuggs', '1.4.7'), | |
('soupsieve', '2.5'), | |
('spacy', '3.4.4'), | |
('spacy-legacy', '3.0.12'), | |
('spacy-loggers', '1.0.5'), | |
('srsly', '2.4.8'), | |
('stack-data', '0.6.3'), | |
('starlette', '0.27.0'), | |
('statsmodels', '0.13.5'), | |
('svglib', '1.1.0'), | |
('svgwrite', '1.4.1'), | |
('sympy', '1.8'), | |
('tables', '3.8.0'), | |
('tabula', '1.0.5'), | |
('tabulate', '0.8.9'), | |
('tenacity', '8.2.3'), | |
('terminado', '0.18.1'), | |
('text-unidecode', '1.3'), | |
('textblob', '0.15.3'), | |
('thinc', '8.1.12'), | |
('threadpoolctl', '3.3.0'), | |
('thrift', '0.16.0'), | |
('tifffile', '2024.2.12'), | |
('tinycss2', '1.2.1'), | |
('toml', '0.10.2'), | |
('tomli', '2.0.1'), | |
('toolz', '0.12.1'), | |
('torch', '2.0.1'), | |
('torchaudio', '2.0.2'), | |
('torchtext', '0.6.0'), | |
('torchvision', '0.15.2'), | |
('tornado', '6.4'), | |
('tqdm', '4.64.0'), | |
('traitlets', '5.14.2'), | |
('trimesh', '3.9.29'), | |
('triton', '2.0.0'), | |
('typer', '0.7.0'), | |
('typing-extensions', '4.5.0'), | |
('ujson', '5.9.0'), | |
('urllib3', '1.26.18'), | |
('uvicorn', '0.19.0'), | |
('uvloop', '0.19.0'), | |
('wasabi', '0.10.1'), | |
('watchfiles', '0.21.0'), | |
('wcwidth', '0.2.13'), | |
('weasyprint', '53.3'), | |
('webencodings', '0.5.1'), | |
('websocket-client', '1.7.0'), | |
('websockets', '10.3'), | |
('werkzeug', '3.0.1'), | |
('wheel', '0.43.0'), | |
('wordcloud', '1.9.2'), | |
('wsproto', '1.2.0'), | |
('xarray', '2024.2.0'), | |
('xarray-einstats', '0.7.0'), | |
('xgboost', '1.4.2'), | |
('xml-python', '0.4.3'), | |
('yarl', '1.9.4'), | |
('zipp', '3.18.1'), | |
('zopfli', '0.2.3')] |
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