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Created September 6, 2018 08:32
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k8s cluster autoscaler command line options
$ docker run /cluster-autoscaler -h
Usage of /cluster-autoscaler:
pflag: help requested
--address string The address to expose prometheus metrics. (default ":8085")
--alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
--application-metrics-count-limit int Max number of application metrics to store (per container) (default 100)
--azure-container-registry-config string Path to the file containing Azure container registry configuration information.
--balance-similar-node-groups Detect similar node groups and balance the number of nodes between them
--boot-id-file string Comma-separated list of files to check for boot-id. Use the first one that exists. (default "/proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id")
--cloud-config string The path to the cloud provider configuration file. Empty string for no configuration file.
--cloud-provider string Cloud provider type. Available values: [aws,azure,gce,gke,kubemark] (default "gce")
--cloud-provider-gce-lb-src-cidrs cidrs CIDRs opened in GCE firewall for LB traffic proxy & health checks (default,,,
--cluster-name string Autoscaled cluster name, if available
--configmap string The name of the ConfigMap containing settings used for dynamic reconfiguration. Empty string for no ConfigMap.
--container-hints string location of the container hints file (default "/etc/cadvisor/container_hints.json")
--containerd string containerd endpoint (default "unix:///var/run/containerd.sock")
--cores-total string Minimum and maximum number of cores in cluster, in the format <min>:<max>. Cluster autoscaler will not scale the cluster beyond these numbers. (default "0:320000")
--docker string docker endpoint (default "unix:///var/run/docker.sock")
--docker-env-metadata-whitelist string a comma-separated list of environment variable keys that needs to be collected for docker containers
--docker-only Only report docker containers in addition to root stats
--docker-root string DEPRECATED: docker root is read from docker info (this is a fallback, default: /var/lib/docker) (default "/var/lib/docker")
--docker-tls use TLS to connect to docker
--docker-tls-ca string path to trusted CA (default "ca.pem")
--docker-tls-cert string path to client certificate (default "cert.pem")
--docker-tls-key string path to private key (default "key.pem")
--enable-load-reader Whether to enable cpu load reader
--estimator string Type of resource estimator to be used in scale up. Available values: [basic,binpacking] (default "binpacking")
--event-storage-age-limit string Max length of time for which to store events (per type). Value is a comma separated list of key values, where the keys are event types (e.g.: creation, oom) or "default" and the value is a duration. Default is applied to all non-specified event types (default "default=0")
--event-storage-event-limit string Max number of events to store (per type). Value is a comma separated list of key values, where the keys are event types (e.g.: creation, oom) or "default" and the value is an integer. Default is applied to all non-specified event types (default "default=0")
--expander string Type of node group expander to be used in scale up. Available values: [random,most-pods,least-waste,price] (default "random")
--expendable-pods-priority-cutoff int Pods with priority below cutoff will be expendable. They can be killed without any consideration during scale down and they don't cause scale up. Pods with null priority (PodPriority disabled) are non expendable.
--gke-api-endpoint string GKE API endpoint address. This flag is used by developers only. Users shouldn't change this flag.
--global-housekeeping-interval duration Interval between global housekeepings (default 1m0s)
--housekeeping-interval duration Interval between container housekeepings (default 10s)
--httptest.serve string if non-empty, httptest.NewServer serves on this address and blocks
--kubeconfig string Path to kubeconfig file with authorization and master location information.
--kubernetes string Kubernetes master location. Leave blank for default
--leader-elect Start a leader election client and gain leadership before executing the main loop. Enable this when running replicated components for high availability. (default true)
--leader-elect-lease-duration duration The duration that non-leader candidates will wait after observing a leadership renewal until attempting to acquire leadership of a led but unrenewed leader slot. This is effectively the maximum duration that a leader can be stopped before it is replaced by another candidate. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. (default 15s)
--leader-elect-renew-deadline duration The interval between attempts by the acting master to renew a leadership slot before it stops leading. This must be less than or equal to the lease duration. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. (default 10s)
--leader-elect-resource-lock endpoints The type of resource object that is used for locking duringleader election. Supported options are endpoints (default) and `configmap`. (default "endpoints")
--leader-elect-retry-period duration The duration the clients should wait between attempting acquisition and renewal of a leadership. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. (default 2s)
--log-backtrace-at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
--log-cadvisor-usage Whether to log the usage of the cAdvisor container
--log-dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
--log-flush-frequency duration Maximum number of seconds between log flushes (default 5s)
--logtostderr log to standard error instead of files (default true)
--machine-id-file string Comma-separated list of files to check for machine-id. Use the first one that exists. (default "/etc/machine-id,/var/lib/dbus/machine-id")
--max-autoprovisioned-node-group-count int The maximum number of autoprovisioned groups in the cluster. (default 15)
--max-empty-bulk-delete int Maximum number of empty nodes that can be deleted at the same time. (default 10)
--max-failing-time duration Maximum time from last recorded successful autoscaler run before automatic restart (default 15m0s)
--max-graceful-termination-sec int Maximum number of seconds CA waits for pod termination when trying to scale down a node. (default 600)
--max-inactivity duration Maximum time from last recorded autoscaler activity before automatic restart (default 10m0s)
--max-node-provision-time duration Maximum time CA waits for node to be provisioned (default 15m0s)
--max-nodes-total int Maximum number of nodes in all node groups. Cluster autoscaler will not grow the cluster beyond this number.
--max-total-unready-percentage float Maximum percentage of unready nodes in the cluster. After this is exceeded, CA halts operations (default 45)
--memory-total string Minimum and maximum number of gigabytes of memory in cluster, in the format <min>:<max>. Cluster autoscaler will not scale the cluster beyond these numbers. (default "0:6400000")
--min-replica-count int Minimum number or replicas that a replica set or replication controller should have to allow their pods deletion in scale down
--namespace string Namespace in which cluster-autoscaler run. If a --configmap flag is also provided, ensure that the configmap exists in this namespace before CA runs. (default "kube-system")
--node-autoprovisioning-enabled Should CA autoprovision node groups when needed
--node-group-auto-discovery <name of discoverer>:[<key>[=<value>]] One or more definition(s) of node group auto-discovery. A definition is expressed <name of discoverer>:[<key>[=<value>]]. The `aws` and `gce` cloud providers are currently supported. AWS matches by ASG tags, e.g. `asg:tag=tagKey,anotherTagKey`. GCE matches by IG name prefix, and requires you to specify min and max nodes per IG, e.g. `mig:namePrefix=pfx,min=0,max=10` Can be used multiple times. (default [])
--nodes MultiStringFlag sets min,max size and other configuration data for a node group in a format accepted by cloud provider.Can be used multiple times. Format: <min>:<max>:<other...> (default [])
--ok-total-unready-count int Number of allowed unready nodes, irrespective of max-total-unready-percentage (default 3)
--regional Cluster is regional.
--scale-down-candidates-pool-min-count int Minimum number of nodes that are considered as additional non empty candidatesfor scale down when some candidates from previous iteration are no longer valid.When calculating the pool size for additional candidates we takemax(#nodes * scale-down-candidates-pool-ratio, scale-down-candidates-pool-min-count). (default 50)
--scale-down-candidates-pool-ratio float A ratio of nodes that are considered as additional non empty candidates forscale down when some candidates from previous iteration are no longer valid.Lower value means better CA responsiveness but possible slower scale down latency.Higher value can affect CA performance with big clusters (hundreds of nodes).Set to 1.0 to turn this heuristics off - CA will take all nodes as additional candidates. (default 0.1)
--scale-down-delay-after-add duration How long after scale up that scale down evaluation resumes (default 10m0s)
--scale-down-delay-after-delete duration How long after node deletion that scale down evaluation resumes, defaults to scanInterval (default 10s)
--scale-down-delay-after-failure duration How long after scale down failure that scale down evaluation resumes (default 3m0s)
--scale-down-enabled Should CA scale down the cluster (default true)
--scale-down-non-empty-candidates-count int Maximum number of non empty nodes considered in one iteration as candidates for scale down with drain.Lower value means better CA responsiveness but possible slower scale down latency.Higher value can affect CA performance with big clusters (hundreds of nodes).Set to non posistive value to turn this heuristic off - CA will not limit the number of nodes it considers. (default 30)
--scale-down-unneeded-time duration How long a node should be unneeded before it is eligible for scale down (default 10m0s)
--scale-down-unready-time duration How long an unready node should be unneeded before it is eligible for scale down (default 20m0s)
--scale-down-utilization-threshold float Node utilization level, defined as sum of requested resources divided by capacity, below which a node can be considered for scale down (default 0.5)
--scan-interval duration How often cluster is reevaluated for scale up or down (default 10s)
--skip-nodes-with-local-storage If true cluster autoscaler will never delete nodes with pods with local storage, e.g. EmptyDir or HostPath (default true)
--skip-nodes-with-system-pods If true cluster autoscaler will never delete nodes with pods from kube-system (except for DaemonSet or mirror pods) (default true)
--stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2)
--storage-driver-buffer-duration duration Writes in the storage driver will be buffered for this duration, and committed to the non memory backends as a single transaction (default 1m0s)
--storage-driver-db string database name (default "cadvisor")
--storage-driver-host string database host:port (default "localhost:8086")
--storage-driver-password string database password (default "root")
--storage-driver-secure use secure connection with database
--storage-driver-table string table name (default "stats")
--storage-driver-user string database username (default "root")
--test.bench regexp run only benchmarks matching regexp
--test.benchmem print memory allocations for benchmarks
--test.benchtime d run each benchmark for duration d (default 1s)
--test.blockprofile file write a goroutine blocking profile to file
--test.blockprofilerate rate set blocking profile rate (see runtime.SetBlockProfileRate) (default 1)
--test.count n run tests and benchmarks n times (default 1)
--test.coverprofile file write a coverage profile to file
--test.cpu list comma-separated list of cpu counts to run each test with
--test.cpuprofile file write a cpu profile to file
--test.memprofile file write a memory profile to file
--test.memprofilerate rate set memory profiling rate (see runtime.MemProfileRate)
--test.mutexprofile string write a mutex contention profile to the named file after execution
--test.mutexprofilefraction int if >= 0, calls runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction() (default 1)
--test.outputdir dir write profiles to dir
--test.parallel n run at most n tests in parallel (default 4) regexp run only tests and examples matching regexp
--test.short run smaller test suite to save time
--test.timeout d fail test binary execution after duration d (0 means unlimited) (default 0s)
--test.trace file write an execution trace to file
--test.v verbose: print additional output
-v, --v Level log level for V logs
--version version[=true] Print version information and quit
--vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
--write-status-configmap Should CA write status information to a configmap (default true)
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