Harnessing the theoretical power of imaginary resources.
"Aether Computing" is a conceptual web application paradigm, for highly-available self-scaling web applications. The goal is to move as much server-side processing as possible to the client. The currently-popular "single-page app"/"heavy client" mostly handles display logic - but we want our clients to be processing database calls and business logic while sharing input/output data with peers.
Trust is handled primarily with asymmetric encryption. Primary data, provided by the server, is signed. The server also provides a list of allowed DB users (and their pub keys).
Clients sh
... can clients feasibly be made to run/operate on proprietary algorithms/data via homomorphic encryption? ...
Ephemeral, unblockable site hosting
- Javascript + HTML + media in zipped packages, then hosted on webtorrent.
- Sandbox JS using https://developers.google.com/caja/
- Custom protocol handler for chrome plugin
- API to access other files in webtorrent (for external media etc)
- Can also plug into a RoachDB API
- Figure out way to incorporate signatures, in URL or w/e
- Work via routing for noplugin ...
eph://[DHT hash - raw and/or radixWord encoded]
- PouchDB (CouchDB) with P2P data store
- All keys are signed by host
- Host also provides a signed permissions table
- Users can add data to the distributed table, provided their pub key is on the signed perm table
Thinking about ways to transparently host applications, so that end users can audit the code being run on a server.
Possible with a trusted third-party (set up a PaaS provider that allows server-side code of clients to be downloaded). Is it possible to do so with no trusted parties? E.g. with Aether.
Also a service/extension that checks signatures of client-side js.