- GREAT Documentation for the API! I love an API that I can just hit the root and start using it.
- candy beans!!
- Your API tests are straight forward, your server.js is organized. You've hit my goals at least.
- Successful AJAX!
Pre-refactor, this is a really great start. I love that you took documentation seriously, in your Readme, and production code. I also appreciate you taking on d3, and being willing to share what you've learned with the class. As someone with a history of building overly complicated visualizations, I can't vouch for D3 as the best tool for everything, but it is quite flexible. I hope you get more opportunies to explore visualization. I think that doing some refactoring will cement the concepts in your mind, and help prove to yourself that you have the ability to break this thing down, and build it back up again. Like one might with a toaster.