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Last active May 24, 2022 18:21
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Script to Remove Apps for Windows 10 (with multiple version support). Script updated to prevent apps returning after being removed on Pre-1803 releases of Windows 10
# Original Script by: Jörgen Nilsson
# Blog post:
# Updated by: Neil Bourne-Harris (02/05/2019)
# Changelog: Added condition to prevent apps from returning by adding the apps respective deprovisioning key
# to the registry (not required for 1803 and above).
# Ref:
$Buildnr = (Get-CimInstance Win32_Operatingsystem).BuildNumber
$Applist = Get-Content "$($PSScriptRoot)\apps$($Buildnr).txt"
$Capabilities = Get-Content "$($PSScriptRoot)\Capabilities$($Buildnr).txt"
$Logfile = "$env:SystemRoot\Temp\RemoveApps_$($Buildnr).log"
Set-Content -Path $Logfile -Value "Remove builtin apps based on $applist"
# Prevent apps from returning by adding the apps respective deprovisioning key to the registry (not required for 1803 and above)
# Ref:
if ($Buildnr -le 16299) {
$DeprovisionedRootKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore\Deprovisioned"
If (!(Test-Path "$DeprovisionedRootKey")) { New-Item -Path "$DeprovisionedRootKey" | Out-Null }
ForEach ($App in $Applist) {
$App = $App.TrimEnd()
$PackageFullName = (Get-AppxPackage $App).PackageFullName
$ProPackageFullName = (Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -online | where {$_.Displayname -eq $App}).PackageName
$PackageFamilyName = (Get-AppxPackage | where {$_.Name -eq $App }).PackageFamilyName
if ($Buildnr -le 16299) {
if ($PackageFamilyName) {
if (!(Test-Path "$DeprovisionedRootKey\$PackageFamilyName")) {
"`r`nAdding deprovisioned package name to registry: $App" | Out-File -FilePath $Logfile -Append -Encoding ascii
New-Item -Path "$DeprovisionedRootKey\$PackageFamilyName" | Out-Null
if ($PackageFullName) {
"`r`nRemoving Package: $App" | Out-File -FilePath $Logfile -Append -Encoding ascii
start-sleep -Seconds 5
remove-AppxPackage -package $PackageFullName | Out-File -FilePath $Logfile -Append -Encoding ascii
else {
"Unable to find package: $App" | Out-File -FilePath $Logfile -Append -Encoding ascii
if ($ProPackageFullName) {
"`r`nRemoving Provisioned Package: $ProPackageFullName" | Out-File -FilePath $Logfile -Append -Encoding ascii
start-sleep -Seconds 5
Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online -packagename $ProPackageFullName | Out-File -FilePath $Logfile -Append -Encoding ascii
else {
"Unable to find provisioned package: $App"| Out-File -FilePath $Logfile -Append -Encoding ascii
ForEach ($Capability in $Capabilities) {
"`r`nRemoving capability: $Capability".Replace(" ", " ") | Out-File -FilePath $Logfile -Append
Remove-WindowsCapability -online -name $Capability | Out-File -FilePath $Logfile -Append -Encoding ascii
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