Notes from the Tuts+ workflow tutorial on Sublime Text 2.
- ⌘ + D when after selecting a word to get multiple cursors
- ⌘ + CTRL + G to immediately select all matching words
- ⌘ + SHIFT + L to get a cursor on a block of selected text
- ⌘ + I for incremental search
- ⌘ + SHIFT + P
- Replicates the entire menu bar
- Also shows shortcuts
- Try to use the mouse as little as possible!
- There are only so many keyboard shortcuts you can remember - that's why a type to do feature like the command palette (or Alfred) is so great.
- ⌘ + P (Go to anything: fuzzy search on folders, files, and file contents)
- ⌘ + R
- or, just to the ⌘ + P and type an "@" symbol
- Instantly jump to methods
- Can be used in stylesheets to find class names
- Edit classes / methods if you're not in the file: ⌘ + P, then type "a" to search for methods in the topmost result
- Easily update key bindings preferences (make sure you edit the user preferences - not the default preferences - to avoid custom preferences being overwritten).
- Adding packages without package control: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages
- Simply clone the packages from github into the package folder