Provide a callback in Python code which expects a JSON string. Forward this to a GO dynamic library and make GO calling the Python callback with a JSON string
Python 3 and Go >= 1.18 required. Go module mode (go mod init ....)
Note: This gist has lately be updated with instructions for compiling KMS on a Ubuntu 64-bit ARM Server 20.04.3, running in a VMWare instance on a MacBook-Pro 2021, Apple-Silicon. This is a perfect setup for local developments requiring a KMS instance "nearby". If instructions differ from the main stream they are marked with UBUNTU-20.04-ARM-SERVER-VM-APPLE-SILICON
For staging some code for developing I was looking for a device, which I could put into my DMZ and which was able to run my WebRTC Signaling Server, a TURN server and the Kurento Media Server.
And since I don't own an X86_64 Intel bare bone, I was looking, if one already did compile the entire code base of KMS on ARM. I found a promising (and helpful) issue in the Kurento bugtracker, which was a good start, but not sufficient and not fully running at all.